Angel of Mine(1)

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(Beyoncé is g! p in this story/ Megsunglasses story Love Of Ours inspired this! Make sure to check it out!)- you will see this song come into play in the next part.

Omniscient POV

Michelle's heart started racing, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she opened the bathroom door and watched the three tests slide forward. It had taken every ounce of strength for her to do this all herself that day. She had trained Beyoncé on how to do it with her, but right when she was about to take them together, she'd chickened out. So Beyoncé was sitting in the car while Michelle waited, just waiting for them to tell her what she already knew: positive. She took a deep breath and ran back into the bedroom, where Beyoncé sat reading. She curled up in her wife's lap and placed her head on top of hers. "Bey..." she croaked out between labored breaths. The tears welling up in her eyes were making it hard to see. But before she could finish what she was saying, Beyoncé spoke.

She lifted Michelle's head off of hers and wrapped both hands around her face. "I know you're scared because we've been trying for so long now," she whispered softly into her ear, causing tears to spill down Michelle's cheeks. "But whatever happens is meant to be." As if on cue, Michelle tried taking a deep breath again, but only ended up coughing instead. Her lungs were filled with anxiety; over nine years of it bottled inside of her bursting at the seams. "What have I been telling you for the past nine years on this journey?" Beyoncé asked rhetorically. Michelle recited each word in her head like a mantra. They had become that over their years together as they had struggled to conceive a child of their own. If anyone understood what she was going through, it was Beyoncé.

It was like their dream had floated away into the clouds, unseen and unattainable. They had started down a long path of doctor visits, specialists, testing, and eventually surgeries in an effort to become parents. After two years of trying and getting more heartbroken with each month that passed by, they reached out to doctors for help.

Michelle's diagnosis of endometriosis brought them to new lows. She went through the tests herself at first, starting with bloodwork and ultrasounds to determine that she was infertile. This was followed by shots and vaginal sonograms to shrink her uterus back into normal size before she would be able to conceive again as well as hormone tests because it is believed that women who suffer from endometriosis have low estrogen levels. All these invasive procedures were followed by hormone therapy which made Michelle gain weight. The weight gain made her self-conscious about her looks, which added even more stress on top of everything else she was going through. Yet, Beyoncé remained supportive even though she felt helpless on most days because she couldn't take away her wife's pain.

The public eye also questioning their relationship and hounding Beyonce and Michelle with questions in almost every interview caused frustration and to the point of the both of them stopping interviews with the public unless it was someone they both trusted. Michelle also had her fair share of mental health issues with severe anxiety during her ovulation week and depression so bad that she almost took her life, multiple times.

But despite all of this, Beyoncé had always been there for Michelle, holding her and telling her that she was her rock and that together they could weather any storm. She had never given up on their dream of starting a family and had done everything in her power to make it happen. Michelle finally took the plunge and decided to try for a baby again. After all the tests, treatments, and emotional rollercoaster they had gone through over the years, she was still very apprehensive about it. She knew that there was still a chance of failure but in her heart she wanted this more than anything.

Beyoncé was supportive as always and told her that no matter what happened this time around, they would take it together and get through it just like they had before. Michelle smiled at her words of encouragement and continued with their plan.It had been a few weeks since they started trying and Michelle had been feeling unwell; throwing up every morning, tiredness throughout the day and nausea when eating certain foods. She thought back to all the signs she'd felt with past pregnancies that hadn't worked out so decided to take a pregnancy test to double check.

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