I let out a quiet giggle and so did Lily. I turned to look at her. "You truly do look beautiful, Prim." I gave her a smile. "Thank you. Oh before I forget, will you make sure to send Amos his gift?" "Of course." "What time is it?" She looked at her watch. "7:15" "Oh my merlin I better hurry or I'll be late." Lily smiled at me. "Go."

Downstairs Remus was waiting, talking with my father. "Wow Prim, who knew there was actually a girl underneath." "Shove off Rem." He laughed. I turned to look at my father. "So?" He kindly smiled. "Stunning as always." "Thanks dad." "You ready?" Remus piped in. "As I'll ever be." I took his arm and we started heading to the front door. "Good bye everyone!"

Inside Remus's house his parents were quick to compliment me, I couldn't help but flush and feel a tiny bit shy. Remus eventually shooed them away. He went to the kitchen to retrieve a little can filled with floo powder before appearing once again in the living room.

"Now remember you have to say the palace you want to go very clearly, otherwise merlin knows where you could end up." "That's comforting." He handed me the can, I took some powder before giving it back, and stepped in the fireplace. "And you sure I'm not going to burst up in flames?" He rolled his eyes. "I'm positive." "Very well then, it's time for me to go." He smiled and gave me a hug. "Good luck Prim."

With that I clearly yelled the name of the tea shop and felt myself being transported. Once at the shop I stepped out of the fireplace and the owner looked to see who had arrived. "Oh my, and where are you going all dress up dear?" I looked at the elderly woman and around the shop. No sign of Sirius yet. "A party. I'm waiting for someone." She smirked. "Some lad perhaps?" My blush gave me away. Just then the little bell above the door jingled alerting the presence of a new customer or in this case; Sirius.

I stood there as he opened the door and I felt mesmerised. Sirius was good looking that I know, but god was he very handsome. In contrast with his laid back look consisting of t-shirts, a pair of jeans and that staple leather jacket of his, Sirius looked quite regal dressed head to toe in a white tie tuxedo. His black curls were slicked back and he smells slightly like mint and pine tree. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"Prim?" I finally looked up and made eye contact with Sirius. My breath hitched. "Wow." Just what I was thinking. "Prim you look... you look." For the first time ever since I met Sirius Black he seemed to be speechless. Eventually he found the words. "You look stunning." I blushed. "You look very handsome yourself." He smiled and offered me his arm. "Shall we?" I took his arm and followed him outside. "So how are we going to get to this party?" I asked him.

"Oh right. A portkey." He pulled out a handkerchief from his blazer, inside there was a golden key. "Now all you have to do is touch this key and it will instantly take you to my parents' manor." I looked at it sceptically. Sirius seemed to notice. "How about we do it together?" "That will be better." He raised the hand that wasn't holding the key as I raised mine. He gave me a little nod and with that we both touched the key.

Goodness gracious, if I have to take another means of wizarding transportation I think my insides are going to turn inside out. This feels worse than apparating. From beside me I heard a laugh. "It's not that bad." Sirius said and I glared at him. I had taken a moment to compose myself making sure I didn't vomit and ruin this whole night before it even started. When I looked up for the second time I felt the breath leaving my lungs.

On front of me stood a massive house, or more specifically a manor that oozed power, class and wealth. I turned to look at Sirius wide-eyed. "Padfoot I know you are rich, but you never told me you are THIS rich. Do you actually live here?" He looked at me shyly. "Actually, no. This is more like a country house, it's too far from London to be here everyday." "Too far? Sirius, where exactly are we." "In the outskirts of Paris." "France?! We're in France?" I yelled. "Yes."

Merlin once more I felt like I was going to faint. No wonder the journey had felt so long. When I looked back at the house I could see the doors wide open, and people flowing in. Sirius turned to look at me. "It's best we enter now before we're too late." He said once more, offering his arm. I took it and we started walking towards the entrance.

Right before the grand staircase I froze and Sirius turned to look at me. "Prim." "I don't think I can do it. This was a mistake. Sirius I...-." Before my thoughts could spiral anymore Sirius stood in front of me. "Stop it. Prim you're going to do amazing. I'm certain, and I will not leave your side for even a second." When I looked into his eyes I could see he meant it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening then once more. "Let's do this." He grinned. "Atta girl."


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