leshy: before and after the consequences

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Violence, slight romance, cussing

Before was...a strange land. The fallowers of the old faith would fallow me into dark woods. My home. I would wake up to the cold smell of moss, unless it was spring time and the moss on my body would sprout flowers. The fallowers would sacrifice themselves, the air was filled with blood, and it was a stunning feeling of death for cults. But I, leshy. Would soon realize that I could not beat the lamb. The stupid fucking lamb. I wonder how... Heket felt learning of my capture..?

Now. And/or after. Is hell. If there even is one. The lamb chose to keep me. For his cult. It's stupid. You have no idea how many times I've been imprisoned now. I must plan an escape. To find heket. Warn her...the lamb is more powerful than we think. I honestly could not live with myself if my older sister was destroyed by the lamb. She's the only one of my syblings who loves me. The older two only care for eachother and heket. I've always been transparent to them. But heket taught me everything I know. And when I was ready to take control over dark wood. She left me by myself, just a worm boy in a forest. I took care of my cult fallowers truley, but... I spent most of my days adventuring in my territory.

"Leshy, go to sleep" a familiar voice tells me. The lamb.
"..." I wish to not respond to such a foolish creature
"Whatever. If your not gonna go then you might as well stay up and chop wood, I'm leaving for a crusade. I must go fight Kalmar"

Has he already fought..heket? Why isn't she at the cult!? Did he...kill her..? No. I must escape. Tonight. I can't fucking believe the lamb.

Another follower awoke "oh great leader...I'll help leshy with his chores"

"This is leshys punishment not yours xion"

"Yes leader.." they yawned and fell asleep once more

I watched as the lamb left. I got up. "Tonight I escape back to dark wood."

I began to sneak into the church, my cloak and crown were in there. Or as I was told they were. I closed the door behind me as I krept in. My footsteps were loud. In my own hwad at least creek. Damn. Why does the floor have to be creaky? I can't possibly get my items back like this.

I look behind a door, aha! My crown, my cloak and... A heart. Why? Why is there a fucking heart next to my things!?

I stare. Was is mine? I lift up my shirt, and uncover the moss from my body and see that my chest was closed. No scars, marks. It couldn't be mine.



The lambs facing kalamar right now.

Did the lamb...

Kill her..?

There's a possibility. But I must figure this out later. I have to go to dark woods. Cmon. Keep it together. "Your cult members that are alive still will help." I tell myself. I put my crown into the moss on my head. I'll wear it later. But I would like to wear my beautiful bishop cloak now. I put it on.

I've always been told I was such a pretty boy. Not by heket, but by my followers. Mostly the females. I don't really find flattery by it. But once....a male said it.

"Leshy...he's...so majestic."

I remember him saying.

That, I remember is what flattered me.

I must focus. I remember. I silently walk through the gate. Which led to anura, dark wood,ect

The doors...or..portals I should call them. They were right Infront of me.

"Hmmmmm another peasant to much on?????"

A voice said. It was a spider with more people on a web. I'm guessing he eats mortals.

"No! I am....I am merely a merchant. I can sell you the bones of the red crown"
I say monotone.

"But I love the red crown" the spider known as helob said.

"Forget it. I must leave. Find me in dark wood, if you must."

I stumbled into the familiar woods, some of my cult fallowers stood there. Watching as I stood Infront of them all at a campsite.

"MASTER LESHY!? s-sir do you need help!? Your blind! Remember!?"

Oh yeah. I was blind. Blind in all but one eye. the crown helped me see. I wasn't wearing it currently, was I?

"No. Continue on. The lamb may be here any second. I'm leaving to my castle. And send somebody to go search for heket. Please. And also send someone to warn shamura!" I said, worry in my voice. I seemed. Smaller. And I felt. Less powerful

I walked along, until I head a rumbling in the woods. I should know who or what it is in my woods. I'm not scared

"I do not see why I should be worshipping the one who waits. Uhhgg. I don't wanna be on a stupid ficking mission right now!!!"

A male voice said

The one who waits? Must be one of the lambs fallowers

I follow to where I hear this voice "who is in the great leshys forest?"

"Oh, you escaped finally?" A spider boy asked me.


To be continued ✨⭐

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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