01 | who is u?

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ALSO : (917)491-6721 is notti and (917)901-3471 is you aka Imani.)

(917) 491-6721
yo nigga

(917) 491-6721
where the fuck you at?

(917) 491-6721
bro when i see you ima have to break you up.

(917) 491-6721
you think im joking?

(917) 491-6721
answer nigga

(917) 491-6721
on bro when i see you its up.

2 hours later.

(917) 491-6721
Aii bro cus why yu playing with me
It's been 2 hours and yu still ain't reply

(917) 901-3471
Who is you
And why you keep texting me

(917) 491-6721
nigga stop playin
nd bring ma weed

(917) 901-3471
What is you talking about
I don't even know you?

(917) 491-6721
On the set if you don't bring me ma weed you gon be the next pack I make

(917) 901-3471
Woah calm down Jamal😹
No but foreal who this? I don't even know yuh

(917) 491-6721
This ma weed man right? Spwm.

(917) 901-3471
Do I look like yuh weed man? Gtfo

(917) 491-6721
Then who this? His management?

(917) 901-3471
Who management? I don't even got a job rn😭

(917) 491-6721
Aii cus you sound gay
You a female or a dude

(917) 901-3471
I don't know you so why would I answer

(917) 491-6721
Bruh stop being difficult

(917) 901-3471
Alr im a female

(917) 491-6721
A female? Bro what is this dude tryna do

(917) 901-3471
Wym? You gotta problem with me being a female.

(917) 491-6721
Nah im say yo worker aka ma weed man just scammed me

(917) 901-3471
Imagine at yo big age you got scammed😹

(917) 491-6721
Bro you don't even know me. I'll really get on bt with you

(917) 901-3471
Ahh I'm so scared. What you gon do fight me with emojis

(917) 491-6721
Yu gotta New York area code I'll easily find yu

(917) 901-3471
Your still not scaring me.

(917) 491-6721
Ight when I see you or yo lil employee I'm flockin

(917) 901-3471
Im not scared of you
And you got the wrong person

(917) 491-6721
Bro just gimme the weed or gimme ma money rs

(917) 901-3471
I just told you IM NOT YUH WEED MAN

(917) 491-6721
So y'all scammin now

(917) 901-3471
Bruh you not looking for me ma name is Imani not yuh weed man

(917) 491-6721
Oh I guess I do got the wrong numba

(917) 901-3471
Yeah nigga I been tryna tell you that this whole time😒

(917) 491-6721
Damn well I guess

(917) 901-3471
Well im just gon block you now
Thanks for the entertainment for a while

(917) 491-6721
Woah. Why you boutta block me?
And what entertainment? This ain't no entertainment I just got scammed fytb

(917) 901-3471
Well first of all I don't know you. And I think you deserve to get scammed. unlike you I'm rolling up rn

(917) 491-6721
Hollon, yu got weed??

(917) 901-3471
Yuh and I didn't get scammed like you😹

(917) 491-6721
li keep playin nd ima find where you lay at

(917) 901-3471
na you tryna stalk, I think I should block you fo that.

(917) 491-6721
Nah don't, I need someone ta talk to ma brothers be mad annoyin

(917) 901-3471
🤣 betta go jerk off or sum idk

(917) 491-6721
Ayoooo nigga you buggin

(917) 901-3471
Ma bad, idk what boys do on a regular

(917) 491-6721
I don't do that on a regular

(917) 901-3471

(917) 491-6721
Yu know what I might do just that

That's it for this chapter

Also this is just a text story I has a few pov's later in

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