The first stand

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Bell POV

I was on the 5th floor hoping to get some more crystals so I could earn more valis when I was suddenly face to face with a minotaur I ran as fast as I could taking random corners trying to outrun it bit then I was face to face with a dead end, I knew it was the end I turned around and was face to face with the monster at that moment I could only think one thing.

Bell: I'm sorry goddess I should've listened when I was told not to go down to the 5th floor

Then I felt the minotaurs fist impact me and within moments everything went black...

But then I woke up I was surprised I seemed to be in a forest outside a complex of some sorts it seemed to be guarded with guards patrolling with some weird weapons, I knew my only hope of survival was to ask them for help so I approached them.

Guard 1: Hey what did you want to get when we head back in after our patrol?

Guard 2: Maybe go catch pizza night at the mess.

Guard 1: Yeah that se-

Bell: *Crunch*

Guard 1: Hey you heard that right.

Guard 2: Yeah. Hey whoever is out there show yourself!

Bell: H-Hello?
Is all I said as I stepped out I was expecting to be met with hostility, but what they did suprises me.

Guard 1: Holy crap kid you don't look too good Hey are you ok?

I did not infact feel okay as I passed out trying to tell them.
Bell: Yeah I'm go-

Guard 1: Holy shit call for medic.

Guard 2: <<We need medics at the south side wall we have a kid here who collapsed>>

<<???: Affirmative sending out a vehicle they're about 5 minutes out.>>

And that's all I could remember now I was waking up in an unknown place.


Location: Sicario airbase.
Time 18:35
Objective: None
POV: Bell

Bell: Huh? Wh-where am I?
Is all I could ask as I tried to lean up.

???: Hey kid don't move you're dehydrated you need to rest.

Bell: Huh? Who are you? Where am I?

???: I'm Dr. Steel, you're in a sicario airbase, one of our patrols found you before you collapsed we brought you here so we could help. But before I tell you anything else what were you doing in the forest out there?

Bell: I don't know I just .. woke up there I walked until I found that patrol then I passed out.

Dr. Steel: Well that's all the questions I have for now just get some rest ill be back with you tomorrow to ask you some more, goodnight Mr.-?

Bell: Oh my name is Bell Cranel.

Dr. Steel: Well goodnight Mr. Cranel

He then left I was alone in some weird room with some weird objects beeping and tubes connecting to my body I was stressed but it was late and I was still tired even though I was out for a few hours so after some thinking I fell asleep. And that was my first day there one of many to come.


A/N that's all for today I'll post one tomorrow if I have time.
Tell me how it was I would like to know if people enjoy it!

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