VV - Not Supposed To

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"All systems fully operational."

"Has anybody accessed your memory recently?"

"Not to my knowledge."

"One of you saw the attack on the surveillance cameras and said nothing. Which means there's a deviant on this room. And I'm going to find out which it is."

Done questioning the first android, I attempted to intimidate them.

"Why should you all be destroyed if only one of you is deviant? Turn yourself in or two innocent androids will be shut down because of you."

I tried guilting the deviant to come out, walking up and down the line of them.

"You're going to be torn apart. We are going to search your memory and tear you apart piece by piece for analysis. You're going to be destroyed! Do you hear me? Destroyed!"

Sensing that didn't work I tried to deal with them.

"If you give yourself up maybe I can convince the humans not to destroy you..."

And that's when I saw it, the first androids LED flashed red.

Before I could react he grabbed me by my jacket and slammed me against a counter.

He grabbed at my chest, I knew he was trying to get my power cord!

I attempted to fight him off but he managed to rip it out and fling it to the other side of the kitchen!

He then turned, grabbed a knife from the table behind him and attempted to stab me.

I managed to block the blow with my hand from hitting my face but the blade went through my palm and swerved to the side, stabbing through the table as well and pinning my hand in place.

My vision was blurry, and my motor functions weren't working properly...

But I could see the fuzzy image of the deviant backing out of the room.

A count down was in my vision for when I would be shutting down and a siren was going off in my ears.

I tried to call for Lieutenant Anderson or the Detective to try stop the deviant or to aid me.


My voice came out barely more then a raspy whisper...


Sensing they weren't coming and the deviant was escaping I turned and managed to pull the knife from my hand, landing with a harsh thud on the floor.

Blue blood was dripping from the gaping wound in my chest and my hand, smearing itself across the floor.

I managed to lift my head enough to see the power core on the floor on the otherside of the kitchen...

I began to crawl towards it, dragging myself across the concrete...

But it was slow going, and I could see my timer running out...

I wasn't going to make it!

But then I saw a pair of familiar shoes standing in the kitchen doorway.

Connor X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat