A Love Not Returned

Start from the beginning

While the royals held the powers of preservation, rulling as head of the other three. Powers were passed onto the most worthy heir. If by the will of fate the chosen one possessed a corrupted heart then the powers stopped manifesting themselves in them.

Then, a new one was chosen of the same bloodline, as no other bloodline was potent enough to carry these powers in themselves.

 To govern these powers and the ones who harnessed them another counsel had been established. While to govern the counsel the eternals ( or so the chosen were called) were given power, ensuring that the other didn't go out of line.

Thus the two factions kept the other in check maintaining harmony.

But tragedy struck. And the peaceful kingdom of Ronya went up in flames taking its people and wealth along with it.

But four survived. These four were none other than the young prince and the heirs of the three major families.

Attaining immortality they became the four pillars of the universe as we now know them as. Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma and Lord Phalgun. These four ascended and they took responsibility of the human life that came after them. But now their powers had grown.

Fate wasn't only to be seen but written as well now, destruction wasn't only a little mayhem rather a tsunami that could swallow one whole. Time was now to be governed and the Lord of All in Existence was to be crowned. The Lord then brought other beings into existence such as that who were similar to celestials.

And peace reigned supreme. But the mystery of Ronya remained just that a mystery.

~~~~~still in the past~~~~~~~

" Aru! Come along!" shouted Krishn, pulling along his dearest Parth along him.

" For the last time my name's Parth!" shouted the heir of time itself.

"What gave you the impression I cared?"

"Well, you care enough to annoy me upon it !"

" Ahh! My dearest Parth, come now. How could you be mad at me?"

"Oh! I don't know. Maybe just like every other person in existence."

"Ah! You broke my heart! However shall this wound be healed?" came the dramatic reply as was expected. There stood the heir of the kingdom of Ronya dressed in his royal attire with a hand on his chest, head thrown back and with an expression of suppressed laughter.

"Funny, I thought your heart was on the other side."

" Nope, you are my heart, wherever you stand that's the place my hear is."

"Flattery will get you no where."

"But with you it seems to get me everywhere if our current location is to be taken into account."

With that the young noble realised that they had indeed reached the destination where his best friend wished for them to visit.

" Wherever are we? And better yet, why are we here?" spoke Parth.

" This is known as the realm of wishes. It's said that if you come here on a full moon night you'll get whatever wish you made. What's the one thing you want Aru?" spoke Krishn whose dark skin glistened in the moonlight. Beautiful eyes looked upon Parth with an inquisitive sort of look, curiosity shinning through.

" I want something that's not mine to have. What of you?" answers Parth looking at the, unrequited and oblivious, love of his life with alook of melancholy.

"Silly Parth. Who wants something what we can't have? And me well I .........." The young prince stuttered.

"Would you say that if I were to tell you what I felt for you." Thought Parth.

It was wrong Parth knew. A male in love with a male, scandalous and sinful. But he couldn't regret it. Krishn was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Who cared if Krishn didn't love him, at least he was with him.

But, Parth thought as resolve within him slowly grew, he needed to tell Krishn.

If nothing else then a closure. He didn't want to spend the rest of his days wondering if maybe he should've confessed.

Krishn wouldn't shun him, of that Parth was sure. If push came to shove he'd just say he was joking.

With that in mind Parth opened his mouth to finally confess. And who knew maybe some deity out there might bestow some mercy upon him and Krishn reciprocated his feelings.

" I'm in love with your cousin. And I know she's your sister but she's so pretty, I've never seen someone so pretty".  Exclaimed Krishn. Turning away to avoid his Parth's reaction.

And that was when Parth learned that heartbreak wasn't just a poets way of description it was a literal. And Parth could hear his heart breaking as he intoned the words-

"Oh! I'll help you win her over then!"

"Really! Thanks! I was thinking of gifting her flowers. Which ones does she like?" Questioned the young royal.

She didn't like flowers that Parth knew. And were Krishn to gift her such his love story would come to an end before it started.

"Idiot! She hates flowers, she prefers music. How about I teach you how to play a Veena ?" Suggested Parth surprised his voice could be heard from the craking of his heart.

"But hey! You didn't tell me what is was that you want." Questioned Krishn

" I want something's that is not  mine to have." Answered Parth.

Ooh, their love had been written in the stars alright,

Who cared if thier stars had forgotten to cross paths

I'll forever orbit you and want your light

I don't care if the whole universe laughs

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