A Boy!

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"Ahh... Why is gege taking so much time?" A handsome boy is lying on the couch with a pout and asks.

But there is no one to answer his question. Suddenly he heard the honk of his brother's car.

He jumps from he is sitting... And run to open the door...

But his smile fades. When he saw another figure with his brother.

" Gege. Who is she?" pointed at wangji, who is shocked to say.

Because both guys' face is similar. The only difference is their eye colour. One has blue eyes while another one has green eyes.

"Sean, she is our Slave..."

Wangji is shocked when he heard the handsome stranger beside him and who also saves him...

Both handsome boys' eyes glow, Wangji is shocked.

Maybe he is in danger. He has to run for his dear life.

But before he can run from there, his collar is held by the handsome man who is beside him.

"Where are you going, Princess? Welcome to Daddy's house..." Said the handsome man, named Sean who is there beside his brother, laughing like a madman...

Wangji is drenched in sweats. He doesn't know what to do.

Why the fuck? Why he is so unlucky?

First God snatch his mother from him. Second, his stepmother and his father treat him like shit.
And now this!!! Seriously!!!

Why does the deity hate him so much to let him suffer alone???

"Wuxian, Finally... You bring a human... Now my thirst going to fill... I was waiting for this moment when a human comes here" Sean uttered with a wicked smile.

Wangji gulped, maybe this is his last day... These two twin handsome brothers going to kill him.

Unexpectedly, Wangji feels weak... His eyes getting close... The only thing he remembers is that one of the twin brothers laughing, while the other one has his usual cold face...

~Next Morning~

"ah!!!! Don't hurt me" exclaimed wangji in fear... He is up on the bed while fully cover in sweats...He found himself in the known room... The room is pretty cool and looks luxurious too...

But wait isn't it too girlish? And why the hell he is here?

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But wait isn't it too girlish? And why the hell he is here?

His beautiful brown eyes landed on the watch beside the bed...

It shows 10:10 am... Suddenly all the stuff that happened yesterday comes to his mind...

He immediately stands up from the bed. He checks his body and then his precious ass to make his mind relieve that his asshole is still a virgin. 🙈

" You awake... Come downstairs and eat your meal"

Wangji flinched at the cold tone... He turn and saw Wuxian in a black dress and having a cold facial expression...

 He turn and saw Wuxian in a black dress and having a cold facial expression

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Wangji furiously nodded his head in fear... Wuxian looked at him from head to toe with a cold expression and said...

"There are some clothes in the closet, Take a bath then come downstairs for a meal"

Wuxian leaves him alone in the room... Wangji immediately takes a bath, he takes a warm bath... He can feel his muscles relax in the warm water... He wipes his gorgeous body with a baby pink towel...

'Why everything is so girlish here? Even the soap...' thought wangji with a frown...

He saw so many so cute girlish clothes in the closet... He sighs sadly... He hadn't had any option, he have to wear it...

He chooses a white crop top with a white short skirt...
What the hell!!!
Why there are no pants or jeans??

For god's sake, he is a damn boy... Maybe he looks fragile like a girl... But he is a boy...

Do they think of him as a girl??? He unwilling had to wear the dress...

Do they think of him as a girl??? He unwilling had to wear the dress

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The dress perfectly fitted him.

"Damn, I look sexy" Wangji praised himself.After styling his long hair, he comes downstairs.

He saw no one at the dining table... Where do these two twin brothers go?


"Ahhh!!!! Save me..." exclaimed wangji in fear as well as shock too.

"hahaha... Gosh... Look at your expression... Damn, it is so funny..."

Wangji saw Sean who has a green eye, laughing at him... Wangji eyes getting teary... He looks at Sean... When Sean saw that wangji is the verge of crying... He stop laughing and was concerned about the boy.

"Hey, boy! What happens? I am sorry for scaring you yesterday & today... But I am just teasing you..." Sean said while trying to stop the boy.

"What is going on?"

Both turned to the source of the voice, and they saw Wuxian standing there with an annoyed face.

"hehe... Gege, I was stopping this crybaby from crying." Sean said nervously as Wuxian coldly staring them.

"Hey, girl stop crying," Wuxian said in his cold voice

"I-I a-am n-o-t a g-i-r-l..." uttered wangji, still crying like a baby.

Wangji saw the change in the twin brother's face. One look shocked like he gets 360 current, while the other has a cold look but his eyes also widen in surprise

"You are a boy!!!" both twins exclaimed in a surprised expression.

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