17. House elf spies

Start from the beginning

"So if Draco is taken from me, I won't have anything or anybody left" my throat feels like it is closing up as I realise just how much my father has planned this out. "Either Draco succeeds and becomes a person my father believes I can't love, or he does succeed and he dies."

"And that is why I believe you need to be the one to do this."

I nod standing up quickly grabbing my bag from the floor "you're right."

I walk quickly to the door of the office opening it, I turn around and look back at Snape.

"You should know my fathers wrong."

Snape looks up at me "about what?"

"He thinks I won't love Draco if he succeeds because he will become broken, but he's wrong. He also thinks I would allow Draco to be killed, but I will do everything in my power to stop that from happening."

Snape nods his head at me as I close the door between us. I need to find Draco, and quickly. I need to tell him what I've just told Snape, he needs to know that he isn't going to be the one to do this.

I begin to run along the corridor thinking to myself where Draco may be. Dinner is long over now not that he would have gone of course.

Suddenly a burst of colour makes me stop running and look into the empty classroom.

"Dobby!" I run forwards moving the chair out of the way, Dobby is sat crouching underneath the desk his head piled high with knitted hats.

"Miss Angelica!" Dobby's eyes widen as he looks up at me his hands nervously clasping together.

"Dobby I need your help" I hold my hand out to the house elf. He places his small bony hand in mine and I help lead him out from underneath the desk gently.

"What can I help you with Miss Angelica?" Dobby looks around the room his eyes avoiding mine.

"Dobby" I kneel down in front of him taking his shoulders in my hands gently "look at me."

The house elf stiffens and his large blue eyes meet mine.

"Where is Draco Dobby?" My voice is slow and calm as I stare unblinking at the house elf.

"Master Draco?" Dobby shakes his head "why would I know this information?"

I sigh "come on Dobby. I know you've been following him, I'm assuming that's due to Harry but I can't think about that right now." I narrow my eyes at him "tell me where Draco is."

"I know where he is" a deep menacing voice sounds from behind me.

I turn around letting go of Dobby to see Kreacher stood no more than a metre away from me.

"Kreacher?" I stand up straight "why are you here?"

Dobby let's out a small giggle "Kreacher was told by Harry Potter to help him this year." Dobby turns to Kreacher smiling "and what Harry Potter says Kreacher has to do."

Kreacher's face is set into an even deeper frown than usual as he looks at the colourful house elf besides him with disdain.

"You belong to Harry now?" I let out a deep breath "I suppose it makes sense. It's a way for Sirius to make sure the Order get use of the Black house. I suppose he didn't trust me enough to leave it to me."

Kreacher shrugs "Master Black was an idiot. It should have been returned to the rightful owners."

I roll my eyes "I really don't give a fuck okay? Where is Draco?"

Kreacher smiles "it wasn't just the young Malfoy boy we were tasked with following."

Dobby let's out a loud yelp "shut up! You were told not to tell her!"

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