chapter 1

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¨ahah im late again dave could u!!!¨ alvin pick up his skateboard and skated to school

the bell rung just as he arrived

he skidded across the hallways and into miss smith's classroom. it was math now

ms smith point a finger at him, ¨alvinnnnnnn! this aint the first time. be more efficient or go to detention.¨

ehehehhehe alvin grin awkwardly and took his seat between his brothers, simon and theodore.

as always, theodore wore a green hoodie and the trio's signature jeans, while simon wore a blue jumper with his blue glasses. obviously alvin had his red cap and red shirt with a capital A in yellow.

theodore grimaced at the word detention...although he was still munching on his chcolate cookie he rub his pointer finger on the desk in search for remaining crumbs to eat

simon as per usual, raised an eyebrow at him and mumbled, ¨i told u so¨

next thing u know, miss smith gave out the exam papers for the math test last week

next thing u know, miss smith gave out the exam papers for the math test last week

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theodore jumped in joy when he found out he passed and simon smirked

alvin took a glance at his paper, crumpled it and threw it to the bin in the corner of the classroom

miss smith was staring at him throughout the whole lesson, but as always alvin avoids gaze

¨ringgggggg¨ goes the echo of the bell echoing the hallway

alvin thinks: time to go hahah

¨alvinnnnn stay back. theodoor, simmon go¨

 theodoor, simmon go¨

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bruh alvin thinks

cheesy and kevin mumbles while walking, and derek cackle on his way out.

convo between smith and alvin

ms smith: alvin did u think i wouldn't notice u left a blank in every page of the test?

alvin: so u see....i needed more time to do it slowly and...

ms smith: these excuses....i already predicted them alvin

alvin: ok so 2+2=3 and?

ms smith: ALVINNNNNNN! principal office...NOW

alvin sighs, flips his cap backwards and drags his feet to the principals office.


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