what do you mean?

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*~Ein's POV~*

"Yeah! What are you doing here EIN??" She looked at me smiling as if she was expecting me to say- something...

"Well- uh- I—" I couldn't help but stamper..

"go on~" Mac continued

"I don't know what your wanting me to say-" I said trying to convince her I didn't know WHAT ON EARTH SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT

"Sure~ just- give this to Pierce when he wakes up-" Mac finally said although she wasn't buy my cheep excuse-

"Wait- how'd you know he was sleeping.." I asked her...

"Well! MAYBE BECAUSE YOU SCREAMED 'SHHHHHHHHH' at me.."she told the tired looking blue boy!

"SHHHHHHHHH!! you going to wake him up! And he looks so PEACEFUL BUT HE CANT MAINTAIN THAT IF YOU KEEP SHOUTING!!" Ein whisper yelled-

*~Pierces POV~*

I opened my eyes and Ein wasn't there.. but I heard some shouting outside, and realized he had put a pillow to keep me comfortable- I didn't realize he actually cared.. I felt happy but upset.. I was just glad I hear his voice some what— I think he was talking to Mac? Oh I forgot! I asked for some vegetables for my sheep! ♡

Then I saw the cute... UGH what is wrong with me- but uh.. yeah I saw Ein walking back from the door-

"BYE" he shouted looking angrily out the door but he had something in his hand a bag, or package?

"O-oh.. did I wake you up?! UGH I knew I should have kept my mouth SHUT!!" He said looking and sounding a bit mad!

"No! You didn't I just woke up! Don't worry!!" I reassured him!

"Okay.."the dark haired boy murmured

Then Zane barged in followed by aphmau! What did they want now they're the reason Ein got upset in the first place!

"PIERCEEEEEE!!! Oh.. wait Ein- you're- I'm- gonna go.. aph?" He said/asked


Then Ein put the bag/package on my coffee table! :)

What did she mean by that... I tried not to think too much about it but I couldn't help but notice Eins face becoming red..ish? I felt slightly hot-

Then they left but aphmau took a picture before she left then she dipped out I was confused on what she was going to do..

"Sorry about that Ein-" I said

"Meh I don't really care now what do you want to do?" Ein asked me!

*~Aphmau's POV~*

EKKK I just stared at the picture on my phone did Ein stay over night if so what did they do?! When did he come over why was pierce smothering a pillow? These questions might never get answered BUT I knew one thing and one thing only! I had to take this to the shipping master!

When I got to her door I didn't even need to knock! She burst out the door!


Then I handed her my phone!

She nearly fanned when she saw the picture of the two! Blushing~

*~Mac's POV~*

All I could see was KC's tail and ears pricked up! I was wondering what aph had shown her to make her THAT CRAZY that looked like me when I get a PERFECT carrot! And I mean PERFECT

*~Pierces POV~* 

I was expecting Ein to sit on the opposite side  of the couch but to my surprise- he sat right next to me! I wasn't able to breath UGH I need to talk to aphmau about this.. I will later! (Spoiler 🙂) but as Ein was scrolling through things- he got tired I mean.. he did only get what? 5-6 hours of sleep? So I took the remote from his hand!

"Hey!" He said a little annoyed! 

"You're going back to sleep!" I said proudly!

"Why!" He responded almost instantly.

"Because I said so and this is my house you need it anyway! You got what 5-6 hours of sleep?!" I told him

*Ein yawns* "FINE" he says before laying his head on my shoulder!

I wanted to make him more comfortable because I could tell he was uncomfortable- 

"Hey buddy?" I asked.

"What!" He asked sitting up looking at me with bags under his eyes! 

Man I was right he does need sleep!

"Listen I'll let you get comfortable because I can tell that's not-" I replied with a small smile 

"Okay.. thanks! I guess..." he said mumbling 

He then repositioned me me into a laying down position and he plummeted on top of me! My face turned a bit pink but I didn't really mind! Just as he was FINALLY about to fall asleep Kim bursted in! Ein flung up from my chest and look at the door way!

"PIERCE!!" She yelled then went quiet...

"O-oh my.. uh okay—" she said then left and closed the door! 

*~Eins POV~*

Ugh- she's going to tell KC aphmau Mac and really everyone! But I really didn't care at this point- I just lay'd back down and didn't think about it! I looked up at pierce he seemed to just be staring at me I didn't mind but I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about I just closed my eyes and then I fell asleep!

*~Pierces POV~*

When Kim came in she seemed upset I wonder what would have happened if Ein wasn't here.. would she shout at me or not.. but I couldn't help but want to know more about him!! I'm not sure why.... But I found myself lost looking at him.. when he looked back at me I wonder what he was thinking about my eyes couldn't bother to be moved but I forced myself to close my eyes and finally getting the sleep I needed! But I'd have to wake up soon because I needed to feed my sheep!

(3 hours later!)(10am!)

*~still pierces POV~* 

I woke up and grabbed my phone to check the time! It was 10:17! I need to get up- but Ein looked so peaceful! Ugh now I know what he felt like when Mac came over earlier- ugh now how to get up... hmmmmmm (pierce thinking noises)

(That's an okay place to leave it! This is the longest one I've made I stayed up making this and I LOVE MAKING THISSSS so have a good rest of your day/night/afternoon!! ♡♡♡

Word count: 1032!!


The two "best friends" (piercexein)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now