First meeting

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Writer note : This is my first story. I will show trigger warnings if I need to. This may be a bad written story sorry.

Selever's POV : I'm just walking around minding my business because it's awkward when no one you know is around you. I sure hope nothing weirdly timed happens.

Julius's POV : Wow! A stranger who actually looks good! But how can I get close to him. Hmm... how about I randomly run and bump into him and then I can become his friend. Yes that is such a great idea!

Selever's POV : Still just chilling and being board. (Julius runs towards Selever and bumbs into him causing them to both fall)
Julius : "I'm sorry I totally didn't mean for that to happen."
Selever : "You're a freak." What the hell is his problem. He is so weird. Like why does he even exist.

Julius's POV : Oh no my epic and so smart plan wasn't so epic after all. Now he might hate me.
"I'm so sorry really! Erm... is there anything I can do to help you?"
Selever : "You can leave me alone. That would be nice."
Julius : "Can I please be friends with you!"
Selever : "And what? You gonna cry if I don't?"
Julius : "Yes! So please be my friend!"
Selever : What the hell is wrong with him. I don't want him to cry because I know I will have no idea what to do.
"Listen. Fine. But don't expect me to treat you nicely. Understood."
Julius : "Yeah! Erm... it looks like it is going to rain. Can I stay with you for the night?"
Selever : "Fine you idiot. You can stay with me. But just for tonight. Never again!"

Selever and Julius walk to the church where Selever lives.

Selever's POV : "Listen. Don't question why I live in a church."
Julius : "Wait. This is a church?"
Selever : "No questions! Just stay silent dumbass!"
Julius : "Ok!"

Selever and Julius enter the church where they are greeted by a nun.

Sarvente's POV : "Welcome home Sweetheart! Is he your new friend?"
Selever : "Yes. He is kind of my friend. His name is... erm... what was your name?"
Julius : "My name is Julius!"
Selever : "Yes. His name is Julius. It's stupid."
Sarvente : "Well nice to meet you Julius! My name is Sarvente! But you can just call me Sarv!"
Selever : "Me and Julius are going to my room. Is that ok?"
Sarvente : "Yes that is fine sweetie!"
Selever : "Can Julius stay just for today? He asked me if he could."
Sarvente : "Well sure! If you want to!"

Selever and Julius go up to Selever's room.

Julius's POV : "You know! I don't think I know your name yet!"
Selever : "It's Selever. Also it's either the floor or my bed. And I don't want you on my bed so you can sleep on the floor."
Julius : "Do I have to wear my current clothes to sleep in or?"
Selever : "Fine. You can borrow my clothes for when you sleep."

Selever and Julius change into some clothes to sleep in but at different times and they waited for eachother.

Julius POV : "I have finished!"
Selever : "Whatever let's just go to sleep now."

Selever sleeps on his bed while Julius sleeps on the floor next to him.

Sorry if this counts as a short chapter but I hope you like it either way! I'll try and post daily. But I might fail to do that.

Selever x Julius (I'm bored)Where stories live. Discover now