Chapter Two: The Discovery Of Kindness

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When we entered, I looked all around. Shady Oaks was an immense hotel. It had several stairs that led to different parts of the building. It was definitely easy to get lost, and I am terrible with even the most simple of directions. I told the group so, and David, (who had joined us at the last minute) volunteered to be in the lead. He was a squid with the mind of a human, apparently, and he wore nothing but a yellow sweater. I guess for a squid, that's except able.

He put on this hilarious help desk lady voice and showed us around. First, we went up the grand staircase, which led to our rooms. Each room had a name. The rooms were in this order: Star Girl, DanTDM, Thinknoodles, ThxCya, and iBallisticSquid. We got into our rooms and unpacked. My room was amazing. It had a window, which allowed you to see outside a bed not too far away, and a small built in bathroom. It was obviously not meant to be lived in forever, so I decided to find a place to live as soon as I got used to the place. When we all finished, we explored more and found a room that was set aside just for bingo nights. It even had the names of the past winners.

We were sitting outside when Dan asked what we should do for the day and I replied "I guess we could work our way to the nether." To which everyone agreed. We got up and left to explore the place. Pretty soon we found a mineshaft in the side of a cave. It was a pretty large mineshaft, so we split into teams. Dan and I, David and James, and Justin on his own.

We had been mining for a while when we heard James shout "Guys! I found something interesting!" He was standing on an oak wood tower he had made and was reading something. "In case you need to kill somebody with Kindness." He opened the chest and found a netherite sword named Kindness.

"Can I See it?" David asked, and James threw it down to him. I shook my head. For the few hours I knew him, I knew he wasn't the one for the sword. I was just praying he wouldn't drop it in a lava pool.

But that was just the beginning of Kindness.

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