As you texted Hyunjin, you talked about random topics. It kind of hyped you up but you were kinda dry through your texts. Hyunjin probably noticed it since he asked if you were okay. You didn't anwser because you didn't know if you should lie or tell the truth. Your face announced a shocked look when he texted you he was comming over. You panicked and tried to wipe away your tears and tidy up the room a little bit more. Around 10 minutes later, you hear knocking on your door. You walk to the door and slowly open it, checking if it was Hyunjin or not.

Let me in, please ? He said.

I- i don't know Hyunjin.. You anwsered.

Please Y/N. I know something's going on.

You sigh. Okay, come in..

You let him enter your still kind of messy appartment. You were ashamed of the state it was in and the fact your mascara drooled all under your eyes. Shit. You forgot to wipe it. You avoid Hyunjin's stare because you didn't want him to see you were crying. He was shocked by how messy your appartment was. You were so scared he would judge you and you started crying a bit so you rushed to the bathroom to hide.


As i knocked on her door, she hesitated to let me in. But when she let me enter her appartment.. it was in a mess. A complete mess. I could see she tried to tidy it up because some spots were clean but most of the room was covered in stuff. It was so clean the last time i came, what happened in between ? I take a look at her and i can see that she's trying to avoid my stare. I put my bag away on a spot next to the door but as soon as i try to look at her she's not here anymore. She went to the bathroom. Fuck, what happened..


As you enter the bathroom, you obviously lock the door behind you. Tears run down your cheeks as you fall sat on the floor. Your mascara is smudged and you're now without makeup. What would he think of you now ? You really don't want him to hate you or find you weird when you've known him for less than two weeks. You get up to remove all the mascara around your eyes, still having hot tears falling out of them. As you remove your makeup, you hear knocking on the door. It's Hyunjin.

Hey, i know you're not fine, please tell me what happened. I have to help you. I'm not going to judge you, i promise. Please, let me enter.. He says.

You hesitate to open the door once again, but you finally decide to unlock the door. Once you did that you hide your face in your hands and face the mirror. Hyunjin enters the room and hugs you from behind.

Shh, it's gonna be okay.. don't cry..

The presence of his arms around you makes you feel safe and protected. You cry for a moment, staying there in his arms while he rests his head on your shoulder. Hyunjin is the best friend you've ever had. He makes you feel so safe when he's around and he's so kind and caring. You're really happy that you met him. You finally have the courage to remove your hands from your face and you wipe away your tears when you suddenly feel Hyunjin turn you around to face him. He puts his hand on your cheek and wipes your tears away with his thumb. You still couldn't look at him in the eye so you looked on your right but he lifted your head up for you to look at him.

Hey, it's gonna be okay i promise. You're safe with me. Let's go sit down, and how about you tell me what happened, okay ?

You nod and you both go sit down on your couch. As you tell him what happened, he listens to you the whole time and doesn't cut you off. Even if it wasn't something really bad, it was the first time it happened and you didn't know how to react. He understood and comforted you.

It's okay, don't worry. Atleast they didn't take anything precious right ? Breathe, relax, everything's alright.

Thank you so much Hyunjin... you don't know how much this means to me. You didn't have to come see me you know..

I knew something wasn't right. I wanted to be here for you. That was the least i could do for you. Come here now.

He hugs you tightly once again. This time, you don't cry or hide your face in his chest. You give him a big smile and rest your head on his shoulder. You were feeling so comfortable with him being with you like that. You were feeling a lot better now, but Hyunjin still wanted to stay with you for the night. He went back to his place to take his stuff for tomorrow and then came back. You cleaned the whole appartment together and enjoyed it. Everything was clean in 3 hours ! You then went to buy some more food since you only bought for one. You cooked together and had so much fun ! You then ate and after you watched a movie. It was a romantic movie, only because it was the only movie you had. It lasted 2 hours. Around 30 mins into the movie, you felt something on your shoulder. It was Hyunjin's head, he fell asleep. You got very flustered but put your head on his too as your eyes got pretty heavy and you fell asleep. It was 11 PM, so you guys were really tired.


2300 words


Sorry, i love you | Hyunjin X (fem)reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя