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You knew you had woken up because everything suddenly went black. You didn't open your eyes just yet though, hoping you would go back to sleep.

This time, you remembered your dream. You remembered all of it. It was a real shame that it suddenly stopped. If you kept your eyes closed and focused hard enough, you could give yourself the illusion that you were still in that simpler, colorful world.
You could still feel that fuzzy warmth. What a feeling to wake up to! You finally opened your eyes.

The first thing you saw was Wally. Your little puppet, looking back at you with his black eyes. You smiled.
"Thank you." you whispered.
Just when you found him and all your old toys again, you have the most pleasant dream of your life? That couldn't be just a coincidence. But you were glad. You were happy.

You removed your blanket and you were already met with the cold chill of reality, despite the sunlight peeking through your closed curtains. You stood up and checked your reflection in your mirror. You looked so grey. Your hair was messy and not in a cute way. In a very sad way.
How did Wally and Julie do it? Maybe there was a way to make that vision a reality... You yawned, doing a big stretch.
You sat at the edge of your bed and picked up Wally. You panicked once you've realized he was missing an arm, which was still on your mattress. With you rolling around in your sleep, it was possible that one of his stitches have snapped.
When you picked it up, your eyes caught sight of your alarm clock. Yesterday was your one day off, you had to work today. You were late.
"Fuck! I'm sorry Wally!" you tossed him back on the bed and stood up, frantically putting together an outfit for today and grabbed a hairbrush. "I'll stitch you up later I promise!"

You hated every second of going to work. After experiencing such joy and relaxation, being this stressed was just the worst. Maybe if you've never woken up, if you've gotten some sort of sleeping beauty curse, that'd be nice.
You just wanted to go back to that dream.

Sallie wasn't here today, she called in sick.
'Dammit.' you thought, hating yourself for not thinking of that.
And so, all her workload for today was put onto you. Onto your co-workers too of course, but you already had a lot to do yourself. But you went to work regardless. The sooner you start, the sooner you go home.
Your work has always been tiring, but today was especially hell. Pure hell.

Endless paperwork, confusing spreadsheets, odd requests from your manager, brats coming over to annoy you, helicopter parents verbally harassing you over the phone. You felt this oh so familiar bubbling feeling of rage growing inside your guts, twisting your stomach, pleading you to be released outward. With shaky hands, you pushed your cuticles inward using your nails.
But you didn't say anything, you never have. Sadly, you were too used to this being the course of your sad little life.
It was either hell, or empty.
You kept working. The sooner you're done, the sooner you go home...

You kicked your shoes off and let yourself fall on your couch, burying your face in the pillow on the armrest. The sun was setting in a silent way, so everything looked blue. When your coworkers clocked out, they talked about which bar they would go to, said they would have an extra round in honor of Sallie who they'll call to check up on. You didn't know they were all friends... It was in moments like these that you questioned your profession, your very life.

Why was it so sad? Why wasn't anyone checking up on you? Why weren't you going out to bars, to parties? Yeah you wouldn't like it but still. Were they like in the movies?

You turned your head over and was reminded of something. You haven't put the toys away. They were all still here, spread out on the carpet, just how you left them. Like they were waiting for you.
With a slow, almost limp arm, you reached for the plastic phone and dragged it towards you. You put the phone to your ear and called your best friend.

Pink Elephants on Parade (Wally Darling x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя