Marcy at the gates

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"Big ant really big ant!" Sprig said trying to, fight the ant off. The group fight off the ant and it retreats back to its home.

They cheer in happiness as they feel accomplished, "Yeah-yeah! In your face ant!" Anne said, then shook her head to get the water out of her hair.

The ground starts to shake. "Uhh, do you guys feel that?" Sprig asked. All of the sudden more ants start to emerge, and they go for the group.

"Starting to feel a bit antsy." Anne said. Then someone threw a bag of something, it surrounded them then someone shot it with a fire arrow and it went up into flames scaring off the ants.

They all questioned what happened while someone shot and arro and landing it into their tire. "Hop pop can I have a crossbow for my birthday please, please, please!" Polly asked.

Then the person was now sliding down the rope as the group was astonished by her performance, yet I didn't last long as the rope broke, and she fell straight to the floor. Then group made comments on her landing.

Anne pushed her way through the group as the 'person' looked and sounded familiar. "Okay, Newtonian rope can hold a human girl for... Two point three seconds." The girl said writing in her notes.

"Marcy?" Anne asked, "Anne?" The girl said pulling down her hood to look at the other human. "MARCY!" Anne shouted. "ANNE!" Marcy shouted. Anne ran towards Marcy and tacked her to the ground.

"Anne! Is that really you!?" Marcy asked. "Marcy, I can't  believe it!" Anne said. "You, me, here!" Marcy said. "I know, I know, I missed you so much!" Anne said wiping her tears, and hugging Marcy. "Oh I missed you too!" Marcy said hugging Anne back.

Sprig crossed his arms and looked suspiciously at Marcy. Anne picked up Marcy, "Look at you, look at this outfit, you look like and Amazon warrior queen or something." Anne said.

"I know, I know right, it's nuts! This is real!" Marcy said pointing her crossbow at Anne. "Yeah, very real!" Anne said pushing the crossbow out of her face,

"Ah Sorry, isn't this place wild! I've really grown out here Anne, coming to my own, no more clumsy klutzy Marcy, can you believe it!" Marcy said. "Your cloak is on fire." Anne said.

"What! How!?" Marcy said running in circles. "Don't swing it around!" Anne said. Hop pop came over to them.

"So Anne, who's your friend?" Hopidiah asked. "Note to self, non-flammable cloak preferable." Marcy said writing in her journal.

"You guys, meet Marcy!" Anne said. "Oh my gosh, who are these cuties? Are they your surrogate frog family, did they find you and take you in? I love the found family tropes! Gosh this is like the hero of my favorite game, vagabondia Chronicals. The greatest JRPG game of all time, have you played it, do you wanna play it, do you wanna borrow it? just say the word and I'll lend you my copy. It'll change your life's!" Marcy said while grabbing their shoulders.

"Uhh, Anne?" Sprig said worried. "Yup, the planters here took me in. The one you got their is hop pop." Anne said.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, just as I thought sixty two centimeters!" Marcy said. "Yup! All brain." Hopidiah said as his eyes re flaited.

"Judging by the size of your cranium and flakes of sediment, your from frog valley, right?" Marcy asked. Hopidiah gasped, "You can tell all the by my head!" hop hop said astonished.

"Oh Anne, I'm so jealous you found a farming community, I've been studying Amphibia history and farm culture is super unappreciated in my opinion, you're are the back bone of society and do not get enough credit for it!" Marcy stated.

Marcy x Transgender Fem reader  ||Amphibia||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin