Demon Brothers & MC 2

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Therapist: Now, gentlemen, how would you describe the family dynamic amongst you all?

Brothers: *Panics and looks around*

Satan: Well, Mammon is the family idiot, Levi's the shut-in, Asmo is obsessed with himself, Beel is nice with everyone, unless he's ravenous; he eats everything, Belphie is cool but sleeps all the time, and Lucifer is an ass.

Mammon: Oi! Who ya calling an idiot?!?

Levi: Normies are weird!

Asmo: There's nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. *pouts*

Beel: *nods* I can be kind of mean when hungry, but I really love my family.

Belphie: I agree with pretty much everything Satan said.

Lucifer: *glances at Satan* I'm an ass?

Belphie: Finally, he admits it.

Lucifer: *turns to Belphie displeased* Belphegor!

Belphie: *shrugs and starts to go to sleep*

Satan: *turns and glares at Lucifer* Don't act like you don't know! You're always overbearing and controlling. Everything has to be your way or the highway!

Mammon: *grabs Satan's shoulder* Hey! I'm not the family idiot!

Levi: Except you are...

Brothers: *All begin arguing*

Belphie: 😴😴😴

Therapist: 🤨

MC: *shrugs* Told ya so.

Brothers: *still bickering and fighting*

Therapist: Okay, guys, let's settle down for a moment, please.

Brothers: *pause briefly to look at the therapist; immediately goes back to arguing*

Therapist: *semi-panicked look to MC*

MC: *looks at Brothers and sighs* *yells* Sit!

Brothers: *all stop and collapse to their seats or the ground; Belphie shoots awake; all look up at MC*

MC: The therapist was trying to speak with you. *looks back to therapist* Go ahead.

Therapist: *sets pen and notepad down* We... we have a lot of work to do.

Brothers: ???

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