"Pinky promise?" I ask him and hold out my pinky. He doesn't say anything but he puts his pinky around mine and looks at me with a grin. His fucking grin.

He lets go of my hand after a few too many seconds but I dismiss it not thinking about it too much.

I walk onto the dance floor while Ash leans against a wall and stares at me burning his eyes into my skin. Ah fuck. I never thought I would do this what do I do?

I start awkwardly shuffling off on the song and already regret the decision. Not a few seconds later a blond-haired girl comes up to me.

"You look VERY lost? Where is your girlfriend?" She asks me and I smile at her. "I don't have a girlfriend. But I do need someone to teach me to dance" I say and look at her with dreamy drunk eyes and a sheepish smile.

The girl is very pretty and i have no reason to deny it. She has cute dimples and freckels on her pale face. Her makeup is pink and soft and she looks... amazing.

"Well.... with your face I wouldn't say no" she says and takes my hands. She steps closer and puts my hands on her hips. She puts her arms around my neck.

I take the ritheme of her body and do whatever she is doing. She laughs at me and I keep smiling at her. "You learn fast" she says to me. "I get that a lot actually" I say with a wink.

I look at the wall where Ash is still staring at me. I give him a wink too and he rolls his eyes. He looks mad that I won the bet. He clenches his hands into fists and looks like he is ready to beat everyone up in a fight. He must be bad at losing.

The girl moves in closer and I back up. "I really need to go my friend over there probably wants me back" I say to the now obviously upset girl. "You're very pretty though keep looking" I say and give her awkward dumps up because apparently i forgot how to socialize.

I walk back to Ash and he looks at me like he wants to kill me. "You owe me a drink" I say with a big grin. "You just had beginner's luck" he says and rolls his eyes.

"Just admit im handsome" I say and wink at him and he doesn't say anything back to me. "Buy me a drink" I say and he signs super loud. "Next time I will" he says and smiles back at me.

"Next time? That's cheating" I say and he shakes his head. "I never said when I would buy you the drink right now" he says and looks proud at his idea.

"You're rude" I say to him and stick my tongue out. "You're a big baby when you're drunk" Ash says and mirrors my body language and sticks out his tongue.

"We need to get you back to your apartment," he says to me and I shake my head. "Dance with me Ash" I tell him and he shakes his head.

"I don't dance" he tells me. I look confused at him like a puzzle I'm trying to complete. "Why are you here then?" I ask him. "When did you get here?" He asks avoiding the question. His cheeks are painted a rose-colored red and I knew mine matches his.

Now that im looking at him he isnt dressed for this at all. He looks quiet awkward and out of place and he isnt even with anyone else.

I chuckle when i realised that he probably followed me here. I wont let him know that i know so he wont feel to embarrassed.

"What are you laughing about?" He snaps and i laugh at him. "Absolutely nothing" i say and i put my heavy hand on his head and ruffle through his hair just like a girl did by me.

"Let's go home" he says to me and takes my hand and tries to drag me out but I stand my ground. "No" I say "One more drink" I say and go to the bar and drag him with me not letting go of his hand.

"Do you have something in a small glass that tastes like battery acid but is weirdly enjoyable?" I ask the bartender and he looks like he knows what I mean.

He mixes up some stuff and I look at mine and ash our intertwined hands. I can't help but smile at him. The bartender puts the shot glass in front of me and I put it against my lips. I look into ash his eyes and keep smiling not drinking the drink.

"What?" He asks and smiles at me too. "Nothing..." I lie and take the shot. It tastes different but I'm pretty sure it has the same effect had the last one. I put the empty glass back and get out my phone.

I text Arthur that ill go home myself. I accidentally take a picture and the turns on. "Ah fuck" I groan and look at my phone as if it betrayed me. "Here" Ash says and takes the phone and takes a picture of our hands.

"You better remember whose hand these are tomorrow" he says and I shrug "Only if you're memorable tonight" I tease him and he rolls his eyes but looks at me like he wants to proof that he can.

He takes a picture of the two of us and the flash blinds my eye. "For when you won't remember. I think you will though" he says.

I check the picture we took and both our faces look absolutely flushed and my eyes are half open but both our smiles are visible

Case 420 /finished BxB/Where stories live. Discover now