Chapter 15-Gage

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I was just leaving  the underground  demon fight club and  heading to my dorm when I heard a female scream   from the garden  so I took a detour and ran towards the  garden but as I ran I smelled rotten eggs and blood hunt and immediately   I knew that somehow the vile  creatures called wendigos had somehow gotten out of hell  and found there way to the  academy.

Those bastards often   went for virgin females something about there virginity  coaxed the wendigos to  hunt them before raping  them  since hardly  any female  wendigos  were born and if they were born and got to teenage hood  they were overly seed until they died giving  birth there was a  queen of the wendigos  born every 9 centuries   and she was the strongest  wendigo to ever live because no matter how much  times she was intimate  her body never gave up  and she always  had kids.

Any way back to the current  situation  I ran towards the garden when I could scent  the wendigos  but as  I ran I also smelled  the most delicious  scent of gladioli and  myrrh   my natural  instinct was to find where that scen came from  but just as. My mind wandered  from the  current situation  I felt someone bump into me .

The moment  I felt  our bodies connect  thats when I felt  electric charges through my body and  i looked  down since I was 7 and a half foot tall  and saw pure silver hair and by the feel of the curves  I knew instantly  that it was a female  when she looked  up I saw  unshed  tears  in her pure dark green eyes  and her pure red lips trembled in fear   she looked terrified  and thats when i heard  fast running .

Instantly  I pulled her behind  me  and thats when  I saw three more wendigos  running towards the terrified  girl I stood in front of her  and  the wendigos  stopped and  trembled  when I undid the  magical lock  I had on my  princes powers  they bowed and one said in a guttural voice  in Latin

"Forgiveness  my prince of hell .we didn't mean to   growl at you  we were hunting  a pure maiden   her beauty was like the moon reflected  in a pure  clear lake "

"Why  are you vile beings here you were  banished to the hellish woods  where your kind served  there queen why are you here "

"We were sent by  the young prince   to find a girl  with pure silver hair,red lips skin as white as the moon  and pure green  mossy eyes  his seer told him  that this girl could bring our kind salvation  and free us  we saw her in the garden  protected  by the hellhound of demigod  Jagger we found her and chased her here"


When the wendigos  left  I turned towards the beautiful   petit girl with perfect curves  cowering  in a  corner when I touched her  she screamed  a bit but I went down to her level  and  lifted her chin so our eyes can connect  when our eyes connected  I saw myself  holding her under a  blanket and her sweet smile  as she touched  her swollen  belly and then I saw  three children jump on our bed  and wrapped there arms around my  neck as I   gave them piggy back rides.

The beautiful  vision  vanished and  I saw curiosities in her  dark green  eyes
Her beautiful  rose coloured  lips. Parted  and I felt myself being pulled towards  her my own lips  etching towards hers before our lips connected  I pulled back  when I realised  what I had done  I  looked towards the girl who was licking  her lips and pouting .

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