Chapter 8- The final battle

Start from the beginning

She then muttered, "That university is super hard to get into.."

She then sneakily walked up the stairs, she made sure not to make a sound so she doesn't wake up Mr. Goldenhoof. The stairs were brown, old and made little sounds as Rainbow Dash goes up the stairs. After a short while, she finally manages to get upstairs without waking up Mr. Goldenhoof. Then, Rainbow Dash walked and looked around, she is scratching her head, she sees two long, white doors. She asked, "Which is Goldenhoof?"

She then walked over and open the door on the left. She then stepped inside and turned on the lights, she saw the marble sink, a white toilet, a giant white bathtub. She admires the unique array and colors of soap, she sees purple, green, and even rainbow colored soap. " She whispered quietly, "He's not in here, but the bathroom looks cool..."

She then snuck out of the room and turned off the lights. She then gently and quietly closes the door and and walks over to the other door. She had a look of determination, pride and vengeance filled her heart, she is about to avenge her friend who was unjustifiably killed.

She slowly open the door, the room was dark, she then sneaked inside. She couldn't see much but saw a few things. She saw Mr. Goldenhoof laying in bed, his eyes were closed, he had a small smile on his face. He was breathing, peacefully.

On the lamp-stand there was his thin, yellow glasses, a picture of him and his wife. In the photo, Mr. Goldenhoof was proposing to a mare. The mare had brown hair, had a yellow coat and had cute little freckles on her face. She was also wearing a red and white handband. Rainbow Dash's smile then grew a little larger. She then swung her axe, the axe hit one of the sides of Mr. Goldenhoof. The axe blade had small splats of red, gooey blood, Rainbow Dash chuckled to herself.

Mr. Goldenhoof's eyes started to open, he then saw Rainbow Dash and an axe on his side. He then yelled in a confused tone, "WHO ARE YOU? WHY DID YOU SWUNG AN AXE TO ME?"

Rainbow Dash then punched Mr. Goldenhoof in the face, and swung the axe again. However this time, he dodge it and avoid any attacks. He jumps out of bed, blood was swimming out of the scar that Rainbow Dash hit him, due to his injury he limps slowly. He forget that Rainbow Dash is the fastest mare in Equestria. She then race out of the room, leaving the axe behind, she followed the gooey, oozing red trail that was unintentionally left behind. Rainbow Dash and Mr. Goldenhoof were on top the the stairs. Rainbow Dash pushed Mr. Goldenhoof down the stairs. Tears race down his eye, there are small purple bruises on his face, and he had a black eye, then in a few seconds, Rainbow Dash then jumped and elbow dropped, and gave Mr. Goldenhoof a sever injury.

Mr. Goldenhoof yelled while tears race down his eye, "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?"

Rainbow Dash yelled, "You... killed... Pinkie Pie... Pinkie Pie said you attacked her... she died because of you.. I LOST A BUCKING FRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU!"

Mr. Goldenhoof said, "For the last time, I didn't kill.. her.." tears continued to race down his eyes, bruises were everywhere and Rainbow Dash was huffing and puffing, and had an angry look on her face.

Mr. Goldenhoof was laying on the ground, puddles of blood form under him. He struggled to breath. Rainbow Dash slapped Mr. Goldenhoof and yelled, "Don't mess with me or my friends.. you forgot.. I am the element of Loyalty!"

He then said, "I didn't do anything wrong!" which was a lie. He then lays on the ground, unable to move, blood everywhere.

Rainbow Dash spit on Mr. Goldenhoof. Mr. Goldenhoof with the little strength he had, kicked Rainbow Dash in the chest. Rainbow Dash was stunned and shocked he was able to fight back. Rainbow Dash got up slowly, then she said, "I am not going to kill you.. I just going to make you severly injured."

Mr. Goldenhoof was laying on the ground, a stern look on his face. Rainbow Dash grabbed the PhD that was hanging on the wall and threw it at Mr. Goldenhoof's head.

A Giant red bruise appeared on his face. He yelled, "OW!"

Rainbow Dash said, "I hope you learned your lesson, dumb stallion!"

They looked at each others eyes, anger and hatred filled their hearts, they were staring daggers at each other. Rainbow Dash then thinks that Mr. Goldenhoof learned his lesson and felt the same pain Pinkie Pie felt. After a few seconds, Rainbow Dash limped away slowly. Mr. Goldenhoof sighed a defeated sigh, he then remembered that the lamp-desk that was left of him. He pushed down the lamp-desk, and a gun bounced on the ground. Mr. Goldenhoof grabbed the gun, whcih was a small shotgun and yelled, "Hey!"

Rainbow Dash sighed and turned around, she had an angry but happy look on her face. She looked Mr. Goldenhoof and yelled, "WHAT, DID YOU LEARN YOUR LESSON?"

Mr. Goldenhoof yelled, "No, but you will learn a lesson about fighting the best teacher in the world, Mr. Goldenhoof aka me!"

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and said, "What?" Rainbow Dash saw the gun in Mr. Goldenhoof's hooves, she tried to fly fast but can't. The sound of the trigger could be heard, a small gray bullet jumped out. The bullet kissed Rainbow Dash in the back of her cyan head. She then fell on the ground, blood started leaving the bulletwound.. Mr. Goldenhoof started to laugh.

The sound was very loud like a bomb, He gently dropped the gun and said, "You might be faster, and stronger but I am smarter, afterall I do have a PhD!"

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