The two of them got through it faster. Soon Daemon was already holding a thick book in his hands that interested Dayraena. Curiosity was eating him up. Why would Lady Gelarion need such a book? Daemon could only guess. He had come to the library not only because he was interested in the magic of the ancestors, but also because of Dayraena herself. The dragon prince was reaching out to the woman and Daemon reasoned that he just wanted to satisfy his curiosity, which hadn't really piqued his curiosity last night.

"Mandia (sister), there's a letter from Fire Island and..." the stately Lucerius suddenly appeared among the stacks and froze when he noticed the unusual sight of the prince sitting on his lap next to Dayraena, handing a book to her and the woman gratefully accepting. Around the two of them stretched a sea of ancient folios and books. Fine dust particles flew in the air, standing out in the sunlight that streamed into the room through the high window.

Lucerius was surprised at the sight of the couple. He even noticed that they looked very harmonious and beautiful. Daemon and Dayraena turned to him almost simultaneously. Raena's eyes widened at the sight of her brother, and she hurried up from the floor to greet him. The dragon prince rose after the woman, following her with his gaze. Dayraena clutched the book to her chest so that the title could not be seen.

"Rytsas, lēkia, (hello brother)" she said, and stepped closer to Lucerius. "What's wrong?"

The head of House Gelarion glimpsed Daemon, who was watching silently. The prince nodded to Lucerius in greeting. They knew each other, it had happened on the Steps. Dayraena's brother had helped Daemon fight the Crab Feeder. The dragon prince thought Lucerius was a glorious man and a good warrior. When they met, Lord Gelarion was not the head of their house, but was just a young lad who wanted to prove himself as a warrior. But now in Lucerius one could see the features of the true ruler of his House. His posture was straighter, and his eyes looked straight ahead, without the shyness that had been present in the lord before. Lucerius had matured.

"A letter arrived from Fire Island and I'm afraid the news is not comforting for you...." Lucy sighed and handed a small parcel to his sister. Raena tried to unwrap the message with one hand, but with the book pressed to her chest it was difficult, so she had to put it on the floor with her name down. It was noticeable how Dayraena tensed, already guessing what might have happened. She read the letter cursorily, and then clutched it in her hands, giving away the degree of anger that was brewing within her.

"Seven hells! Why didn't he sit quietly in the castle?" Dayraena hissed, leaning over and picking up the book from the floor. She headed to the end of the library, where her little lab was located, and placed the book on the table, accidentally knocking over some vial that flew to the floor and shattered. Raena cursed in Valyrian and Daemon, who had been pacing behind her the whole time, grinned. Lucerius watched his sister's abrupt actions with concern, while the prince leaned his shoulder calmly against the giant bookcase.

"He'll be here tomorrow..." Dayraena's slender fingers tapped nervously on the table. Daemon wondered who could have driven the woman so quickly out of her mind, and the answer came quickly enough.

"Your husband decided to attend the festivities after all?" Targaryen asked and received a nod from Lucerius. Damon frowned. The arrival of Dayraena's husband meant that she would now have to spend more time with Daeron. After all, it wasn't proper for a married woman to socialize with a man she almost didn't know when her spouse was around. Daemon wondered how they would talk now. Of course, the fact that Dayron was a cripple made it a lot easier, but still...

"My dearest spouse had decided he could control me by being around me. Well, let him continue to think so," Dayraena's face turned stony. Her eyes were icy, and her voice was indifferent. Daemon noticed how quickly Dayraena was able to pull herself together. She'd been angry a few seconds before, and now she was packed and ready for her husband.

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