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Lan Family is a popular company in China. Lans are cunning too... They can stab your back too... They are fake... The sweetness on their faces is their jealousy of seeing your success.

But they hid a secret or say a disgrace according to them.

Wangji, an 18-year-old boy... Innocent, naive & naughty but his naughty behaviour was lost somewhere after his mother died.

His father, Lan Dongfang bought another woman. It was when wangji miseries start.

His stepmother & father's behaviour is now worse. They treat him like shit. Wangji has two little step-brothers but they are also fucking brat.

He has also a own blood-related big brother, but he doesn't know where his brother is. He read in his mother's diary. She wrote many things in the diary. It is precious things for wangji.

"bitch, where are you?" Mrs Lan pulls his hair. Wangji cried as yesterday they beat him a lot and now Mrs Lan is pulling his hair, Which is painful...

Mrs Lan kicked his stomach and leave the wangji alone on the cold ground.

He sobbed... He hugs the diary closely to his heart...

"Mummy... They all bully wangji... Wangji doesn't want to live with them" wangji complains to his dead mother.


It is a wonderful day as today is the birthday of Jack, wangji stepbrother.

Lan mansion is decorated beautifully. Mr Lan invites many rich businessmen to the party.

Wangji hiding behind the pillars. He is carefully observing the rich people and how his father behaviour with them. He smiles bitterly...

"Am I a bad child??? "

"ouch!!!" wangji yelled as someone twist his ear. Wangji saw Mrs Lan with a disgusting face.

"So you come here to bring bad luck on my son's birthday... You bitch"

"No... No... Mrs Lan-" he tried to explain to her, But her next words break his heart.

"Because of you... Your mother died... You are nothing... Just a disgrace for this family... You don't deserve to live here. Just go & die somewhere, you slut..."

Wangji run from there while crying and Mrs Lan smirked evilly.

She dials a number and said
"He runs from there. take him away and do what you want, but make sure he will never come back."

Then the call cut. She grins evilly.

" Lan wangji, you son of bitch... I will make sure you will never come back here again... I will ruin you & destroy you as I do with your mother..." Mrs Lan said to herself.

Wangji left the Wang mansion. His heart feels heavy. He is sobbing... Mrs Lan's harsh words break his heart. He shakes his head and denies that he didn't kill his mother.

He doesn't know when he reach a dark alleyway... Wangji gulps. He can feel that his inner self is screaming to run off.

"what's up, little slut?" wangji turned and saw the branch of men... one who wear a gold chain, and tattoos on his body look like an Indian villain.

Wangji looks like a heroine, who is getting molested by these villains ... Ahhmm... There is one thing missing...yup... His hero who will save him

And like typical villains. Those men approach wangji. Wangji was scared and run into the dark alleyway...

Wangji saw someone back. He thought that man can help him, But if that man is also like those bad men.

He saw those bad men coming toward him... He widens his eyes and runs toward the figure...

And hug the waist of the unknown man, from behind, Frozing the person...

"Please... Save me from those bad men" wangji pleased.

Wangji fell on the man's shirt. The man turns and looks at wangji & tries to loosen the grips on his waist. But wangji only tighten his grip.

Then those bad men arrive...

"Hey, give us this boy..." The leader said in a commanding voice... Which is not pleasing for that man...

That man coldly stares at the leader. He didn't like to be ordered by someone. Only he can give orders to people.

He smirk... And grab wangji and said, "You want him, then come and take him by yourself"

Wangji sadly looks at him and tightens his hold on the stranger's cloth.

Two men coming to grab wangji. But their hand is twisted by the stranger.

Both fall to the ground and Then the other four men also lying on the ground.

Now the leader & two men are left. Wangji watched everything with an astonished eye...

"Still want this boy... Come na & fight with me" the stranger said dangerously.

The leader & his two men run from there to save their precious from this dangerous stranger...

The stranger wipes his jacket... And walk from there... Wangji immediately follows the stranger...

The stranger notices it & turn

"Hey, why you are following me?? Go home."

"I don't remember where my house is..."

The stranger weirdly looks at wangji from head to toe...

"so what... Then go & find yourself a place... Why follow me?" The stranger asked with an annoyed tone...

He turns to leave but wangji immediately grabs his sleeve... The stranger looks at where wangji holds him... He gives him a sharp glare...

Wangji retires his hand back. & Innocently said...
"Please superhero gege... Don't leave me here... I don't know anyone here..."

"you also don't know me..."

"b-but you sav-save me... Y-you will not harm wangji"
Wangji's voice cracks... He can't leave alone...

He feels that his superhero gege will protect him...

The stranger sees wangji in tears and feels a little pain... So he decides to take this innocent boy with him...

He notices that wangji is shivering... He takes out his jacket and throws it on wangji who seems surprised by the sudden act of him...

"Wear this & Follow me... " The stranger coldly said.

A smile adores wangji face... He happily follows the stranger.

The stranger sits in his car & signs wangji to do the same.

The stranger drives his car toward a mansion, Not far from that dark alley.


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