Start from the beginning

It was hard to tell if he loved his wife or not. He was often dissatisfied that Dayraena outshone him. This became the cause of quarrels and altercations that terribly annoyed the woman. Another cause of strife was Dayraena's reluctance to go to bed with her husband. The girl was disgusted with Dayron and did not want to have children by him. Her husband was quite cruel to Dayreena. Sometimes he would lock her up, taking away her books when the girl dared to disobey him, sometimes he would raise his hand to his wife, sometimes he would not let her out of bed until he had fully satisfied his desires. Relatives turned a blind eye to their daughter's torment. Only the younger siblings regretted that Dayreena had suffered such a fate.

Over the years of marriage, Dayreena's heart had become encrusted in ice. For four years Dayron tried to conceive a child with her, but then gave it up when he saw that there were no results. He no longer visited his wife's bedroom. Dayron began to spread rumors that his date was infertile, but in fact she was not. In four years, Dayraena could have carried and borne five children, but she deliberately drank the moon tea in secret from her husband, so that she could not get pregnant in any way.

More and more escape plans matured in Dayraena's mind, but something was wrong with each one. Once her youngest sister Maireya wanted to help a girl escape, but they were caught. Dayraena was then locked up for a month. She could not conjure, could not fly, could not walk on the island. She hated that life, but Dayraena wasn't going to put up with it. She didn't want Dayron to see her broken. So she continued to endure for two more years, until she came across one interesting curse in a spell book that she used on her husband.

One day Dayron just couldn't get out of bed. He was alive, but he couldn't move around anymore. The Maeseters didn't understand what had happened to the healthy man overnight, and Dayron didn't think much of his wife's abilities at all. No blame fell on her. Dayron fell into despair, for there was nothing he could do now. In the meantime, Dayron enjoyed his daily torment. And finally, after all these years, she felt free. For the first time in six years, she could breathe deeply and relax. Dayron was now in her power, and she obeyed no one. What could a crippled husband do to her? Because of Dayron's incapacitation, Lucerius became the new lord of the Castle of the Flaming Dragon. At that time he already had a sister-wife, Dayra.

Dayraena and Dayron continued to live on Fire Island. Dayron suffered from pain in his legs and daily saw his wife's face in front of him, whose mocking sneer appeared on her lips every time she saw him. Dayraena was now free to practice her Valyrian magic, to walk the island, and to fly the Egarax. Life was slowly getting better, and she never regretted what she had done to her cousin.

Over the course of her marriage, Dayraena had time to get to know the royal family. With the princess, they became especially close. When Rhaenyra lost her mother, Dayraena was there for her. She became attached to the princess as her own daughter and gave her all her love. They tried to write letters to each other as often as possible and to meet at King's Landing, but it was difficult to do so because of Dayrons' eternal control. With Viserys, Dayraena developed a good relationship. He was grateful to her for taking care of his daughter after Aemma died. After Lucerius became Lord of Fire Island, Dayraena began to visit the princess and the king more often.

And then, one day, Dayraena received a letter inviting her to the engagement of Princess Rhaenyra and Laenor Velarion. She was invited, of course, but also Lucerius and Dayra, as well as Dayron. The youngest Gelarion, Meireya, was now traveling in the Free Cities on her dragon Endarion. Since she was the last child, accordingly she had few responsibilities. As soon as she turned seventeen her parents began to insist on an engagement, but that same night Meireya flew away on her dragon and returned only a year later with her hair cut off to her shoulders and a slightly shabby appearance. She later told her older sister of her adventures. And Dayraena lamented that she hadn't thought to do the same when she was announced of her imminent marriage to Dayron.

Dayraena, who was now carrying a letter of invitation to her brother-lord, had no idea that at the celebration something would happen that would change her life forever.

Dayraena, who was now carrying a letter of invitation to her brother-lord, had no idea that at the celebration something would happen that would change her life forever

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