The New Cyber Planet

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She wasn't alone for a long time, always following or followed by him: The Doctor.

The Doctor...

Tears stung in her eyes, desperately trying to be free, but being hold back by (y/n).

A new start, a new life, a new chance.

To become better?

Answer: Yes.

She stroked the TARDIS a last time, feeling her pulsating under the tips of her small fingers.

„Take care of this old chap, will you?"

A hum echoed in response, making the (h/c) haired woman smile.

„Thank you. Oh and before I go: Don't let him ever wear a vegetable again. I saw the photos: even a nice little steak would have fitted better."

Patting the the blue box one last time she made her way. Away from her now destroyed past, left alone and insignificant in this dark, cruel world.

A last glance and it was gone.

Her once so extraordinary life extinguished, lost in time.

„Alright, let's see where I am, since I am pretty sure that this is definitely not earth. Hopefully the TARDIS translator will last long enough for me to get to know this planet even partly..."

The surface on which she walked was a reddish brown, everywhere trash. It stank and was just disgusting. The 'people' looked like some kind of octopuses and changed their colors when she walked past them. Seeing a little boy she strode over and kneeled down. Since she only saw his backside (y/n) tapped him on his shoulder.

„Hey lil' one, can you tell me where I am?"

„You will be assimilated or you shall be deleted."

Turning around the young alien showed his face: weird metallic constructions were plastered across his face, his eyes looked lifeless.


Suddendly everyone of the inhibitants turned towards her and tried to take her with them.

„Oh no, not today Cybies!"

Standing up again she could barely dodge those greedy hands before she ran down an alley.

„Follow the female. We need the female."

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