The walk hadn't taken too long and was almost relaxing with the glow of the sun beaming down on her sun kissed skin. The cinema was in reach and when she got there she could practically hear the excitement radiating off of the kids running around trying to find a seat. The area was already pretty busy as people tried to find the perfect spot to longe while watching the film.

Maisy knew she was late so began to look around for Rafe and everyone not particularly knowing where they would be. She sent a message saying she was here before starting to look near the front of the screen as she thought they'd want to get pretty good seats. the more she looked the more confused she got as they were seen no where near the front except stood posted outside the toilet.

Naturally her face contorted into the feeling of confusion. if she was the one to pick the spot to sit she knows for definite that would not be her first pick. Not wanting to think about it too much she pushed the feeling away as she began to make her way to the boys who seemed to be busy in conversation. The group were all stood confusing her even more why they hadn't decided to sit as it would be a long film.

"I'm not going to question your odd choice of seats but I was going to head to go get a drink do any of you want anything?" the boys all greeted her before listing off their orders as they all seemed to want one; 2 cokes and one Pepsi. Who even picks Pepsi out of all the options but she didn't want to question kelce as the group already seemed slightly uptight and she didn't want to make it any worse than what it seemed to be. maybe they didn't like the film choice?

As she began to turn away to go retrieve the drinks for the group a hand caught hers making her turn back around out of reflex to be greeted with Rafe who seemed a little too close for her liking. he smiled down at the girl letting his eyes wander as his hand sat at her waist making her laugh slightly in embarrassment at his close nature.

"did you have a change in heart of your drink choice, or did you just want to look at me." she smiled in amusement as he coughed slightly in embarrassment of being caught up in his staring that he forgot why he wanted to talk, however he didn't remove the hand on her waist and stayed awfully close to the girl which didn't go unnoticed.

"right yeah, you see that Pouge over there. Kiara? tell her that we know what her boys did. She should understand." Maisy looked up at the boy with furrowed brows as her suspicions were doubling by the second. Firstly they chose to sit by the toilets voluntarily; they are always the last pick. And two, he wants her to tell Kiara that they know what her boys did. 

What the fuck is that supposed to mean anyways?

"okay.... that statement is pretty vague don't you think?" she laughed disgusting her discomfort as she subtly removed his hand from her waist while edging backwards towards the drinks bar.

"don't worry, like I said she'll know." his eyes lingered behind Maisy making her head tilt slightly back to see Kiara making her way to the snack bar as she tried to rack her brain what they could have all gotten up to to have upset rafe so much.

"fine ill do it, but this is a one time thing. I mean it. Im not your fucking letter pigeon." she scoffed with amusement to which he looked back to her with a thankful smile making her roll her eyes while turning around. "you owe me Cameron."

"noted" he muttered while shacking his head in amusement before heading to their original spot.

Maisy looked around at the crowd of people all finding seats as she turned back around to where she had been previously heading. Thats when her eyes locked with familiar blue ones sat in the centre of the crowd. His eyes were sending daggers Rafes way but the moment they reached Maisys which were laced with humour and surprise, he turned back around instantly burying himself deeper into his chair.

Smiling to herself she shook her head slightly while manoeuvring her way through the crowd over to the drinks station which seemed slightly empty as most people were smart enough to grab seats as the film would start any minute. Making her way over she reached the counter telling someone behind it her order to which they went back to grab it for her.

Looking to her right she saw kiara who was also saying her order before standing back slightly like Maisy had done to wait for what she wanted. Maisy had no clue how she had become friends with the pouges, kind of summed up how much time she had missed out on.

"its Kiara right? hey um, this is going to sound pretty random but rafe said to tell you that he knows what your boys did. Something like that anyways." she uttered the last bit herself as her words meant nothing to her as she was left out of the circle of the knowing confusing her immensely what could have happened so badly.

"what boys would he be referring to, and anyways why couldn't he come tell me himself, to nervous? or is it the fact he doesn't want to be seen with a Pouge." her words were bitter while talking about the boy and Maisy couldn't blame her, all he did really was treat them like shit and look down at them if they were a new scuff on his trainers.

"I was coming over here anyway so I guess it saved him the trip, you have any idea what he's on about." she tried to hide it but she knew Kiara could tell how interested she was as she really wanted to know what this was all about as whatever it was, it was serious.

"no clue but im pretty sure he's talking about dumb and dumber over there." to two look over to see JJ and Pope bickering over something they couldn't understand but from where they stood they looked awfully stupid making the two girls laugh slightly. "you should go tell them yourself to find out, or are you also too scared to be seen with a Pouge, to embarrassing for you? been a Kook less than a month and already picked up on their shallow ways?"

Maisy brings her eyes away from the boys to see Kiara scoff while going to grab her drinks from the counter. At the sound of her condescending words, anger builds in the girls stomach boiling at the fumes it had been ignited with. The thought that she would think she was embarrassed just because she was a Kook disgusted her. This whole Kook vs Pouge shit was so out of hand they could no longer just look at each other as just another teenager on the island.

"I'm sorry, but you don't know shit. Just because I didn't talk to them when I came back doesn't mean the fact we don't talk is any less painful. Because newsflash it isn't. You dont even know the half of who I am so stop acting like you know me. Have a good evening Kie" she scoffed while grabbing her drinks before giving the now slightly deflated girl a last look asking her silently if she was being serious.

Maisy didn't want to hear anymore bullshit of how bad of a person she was so instead grabbed the drinks and headed back to where the boys were sat with a new announced anger and frustration that she had zero fucking clue of what was going on with everyone today. As she greeted them again she handed them all drinks receiving thanks as they leant against the walls next to the toilets making her roll her eyes at the thought of sitting by shit ridden portable toilets.

"okay seriously are you going to tell me about what the fuck is going on between you and the Pouges?" she said with frustration in a hushed tone as she handed Rafes drink back over to him making him look down at her with a thinking expression. He looked around slightly as if to check nobody would be hearing their conversation before looking back at the girl with a smirk sending shivers down her spine with what he was planning.

"just know shits about to go down tonight." he smirked before looking back up towards the cinema screen which had begun to start playing music signalling the film was about to start. Despite this Maisy continued to subtly stare at him almost as if she was trying to figure a puzzle out while still missing the most important piece.

Not pondering it to much she sighed while opening her drink and taking a sip letting the cooling Coke sooth her rising fears as she directed her focus on the screen as the opening scene began to roll across the screen. She just wanted to have a fun night but so far it seemed as if that was going to be the last thing to happen, but Maisy didn't want that to stop her from having a good night so instead stayed hopeful that they would all relax and calm down and maybe miraculously everything would be perfectly fine.


who's excited for shit to go down next chapter?

Me 🙋‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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