Miyako started speaking in rapid Japanese after that, and you couldn't quite understand what she was saying. Your Japanese comprehension was..not top notch, but from the tone of her voice, you got the gist that she was extremely overjoyed.

Being the ball of sunshine that she is, Ruby squealed in delight upon hearing the news that you spoke your first word. Aqua however, just widened his eyes in surprise before resuming to read his book.

You narrowed your eyes slightly. He was still suspicious of you, it seems.


"Thank you for taking care of Aqua today ."

Miyako said, panting slightly as she made her way to the director, carrying Ruby with one hand while tightly gripping your hand in the other. They exchanged a few more words after that, but you were already spacing out. Despite trying your best to enjoy life as it is, every scene that plays out kept reminding you of the ever looming death of Ai that was coming closer and closer.

Your thoughts was interrupted by wailing noises — ah, it was just Ruby. Flicking your eyes between the two siblings, and feeling slight pity for Aquamarine having to deal with this, you lightly patted Ruby's shoulder, calming her down. Noticing your small gesture, a pair of blue eyes met your black ones, and he gave you a nod of thanks.

Your little moment with the elder Hoshino twin was interrupted by a loud slam of papers on the desk. Looking up, you saw a girl with marroon hair and sharp, dark pink eyes. Your eyes widened in recognition and surprise, though you shouldn't even be surprised at her appearance — she was the best girl of the series after all, as well as knowing that she made an appearance in in part of the manga now turned reality of yours.

That's right, it was Arima Kana.

With one hand clutched firmly on a rolled up script, she glared at the three of you

"Hey! This is a pro's line of work,you know! If your just here to play, you should go home!"

Aquamarine glanced at her, confusion written all over his face.


"I'm Arima Kana. I'm your partner today."

Kana continued, introducing herself in the process. An initially also confused Ruby widened her eyes in recognition upon hearing her name.

"..Oh! Wait, isn't she...Uhm,what was she called again...?"

She paused for a second, trying to phrase her words before continuing

"Ah! The genius child who would lick a lying snitch..?"

"Flick a crying switch!!"

Kana interrupted, puffing out her checks. At that moment, you really wanted to pinch her cheeks. She looked really cute like a strawberry and you wanted to hug her out of platonic affection. But alas, you just stood there, watching everything unfold.

"Everyone says I'm great at my crying scenes. Duh, of course they're great!"

Ruby frowned a little upon hearing Kana's words, and whispered to Aquamarine and you about her fakeness being repulsive and whatnot, Aquamarine replying her in the process. You just absentmindedly nodded along, not caring much about this situation. Instead you wondered if you could ever make friends with Kana. She may act like a spoiled brat for now, but it would be interesting to be her friend in the future no?

 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎, 𝚘𝚛 𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚎? [ Oshi no Ko X isekai!fem!reader ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang