"Lop", said the young man while saying make Kamol smiled.

"Are you cheating at cards like that they say?" Kamol asked, Lop still shut up. "Answer me and don't lie to me," said Kamol again, eyes fixed on Lop Lop's face turned around.

"I cheated the young man answered frankly, making Kamol put a satisfied smile on his lips.

"Um, are you interested in working with me?" Kamol asked making Lop frown in confusion.

"Job? What do you do?"

"What work do you think these people do?" Kamol waved at Khom. who stood still, his eyes bright

"The bodyguard, P? Lop immediately asked sharply.

"Whatever you want to call it." answer Khom, turned to look for Kamol again.

"I want to do this, I've wanted to do cool work like this for a long time," the young man replied happily.

"Don't think that this work is done out of cold. There is more than you think", replied Kamol making the young man smile.

"I will first let you come to my house to study. If you can develop properly, I will make you my bodyguard like them, do you agree?" Kamol replied. The youth nodded as there was nowhere to go. In the apartment he rents, he is almost evicted because he has no money to pay. Until the young man had to cheat at the casino to get money to pay the rent.

"I forgot to ask, do you have any parents or siblings?" asked Kamol remembering Lop shaking his head.

"No, my parents are dead, I was with other people, but I ran away when I was 15," Lop answered in a low voice because he didn't. well after escaping. Kamol agrees.

"Um, so you can come to my place and work. There's a room for you to stay in and there's food for you to eat. Don't be afraid to starve to death." replied Kamol, the young man immediately raised his hand to greet him. He also doesn't understand why he is willing to work with Kamol so easily.


"This is your room. Take a shower and change your clothes. Someone will come and show you your work," said Khom, who went to Lop's room in Kamol's yard and handed the clothes to the boy.

"Thank You." Lop raised his hand in greeting. before taking clothes and closing the bedroom door. Lop stared at the five-foot bed with dazzling eyes. He always sleeps in bed: thin. I was only lucky enough to sleep in the bed this time.

"I hope I can start a new life like the others," said Lop to himself before heading to the bathroom to wash and clean himself.

"Did you call us?" two young men entered the office and Kamol nodded,

"Today I met a boy. He was the same age as you, so I brought him. You also took care of the newcomer. Kamol's voice spoke to the 17 year old boy he raised. Both of them ran away from the orphanage. Since they were small, the two were best friends, but their habits were very different.

"What's your name, sir?" asked a young man named Ruth. While the young man named Kick sat listening in silence.

"His name is Lop, now he's shower and dressing in a small room. Check it out. Let him take some medicine and put it on. Oh, show him how to do it... What are you guys doing? there he is!" said Kamol again. Ruth turned to look at Kick and nodded to invite him to see the newcomer.

"Yes" Kick replied before leaving the office Kamol They went to get a box pills and went straight to the restroom at home.

Now they all live in a big house Kamol.Because Kamol sent people to building houses for all his subordinates.

Kit x Lop x Ruth (Unforgetten Night) English VersionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant