The mere thought of her seeing us together in such a private moment sent shivers down my spine and not in the good way. The deep-rooted fear of her knowing Cheyenna and telling her about what Seth had done with me was something that scared me more than death. For death was only concerned about me, but if the news got out then it would Seth who would become the center of attention and I just simply could not live with myself knowing that I ruined his life.

But I fear I cannot stop what we have begun even if I wanted to...

With a tight frown Chaya stepped even closer to Seth and jabbed her finger into his chest, "Call me a gold-digger, go on, I know it's what you're thinking I am. I mean truly Seth what other reason would a sister seek out her long-lost brother, totally not to try and be a family that we both never had!" 

For the first time I saw pain flash across her expression as if she felt that his words were already rejecting her before she even got a chance to present her case to him. And I would be a liar if I said I did not feel sorry for her. In that moment I wanted to step between them and try to get Seth to at least let her stay for a few hours and at least try to get to know her. But from the tempestuous expression locked upon his features I thought better of it then to try and be the water to two flaming fires. 

They have to cool down eventually.... right?

"You know Dear, she could always come with us to Vermont and that way you can get to know her better." It was Nakawa who spoke and offered a kind smile to Chaya who's frown only deepened as if she was not used to such free kindness. 

For this world rarely ever offers kindness without a price tag...

"Oh no she is not!" Seth roared and backed away from Chaya as if she was the newest outbreak of ill-ness among the earth. 

"Seth, come on, it would kind of fun to get to know your sister." Voice as soft as a mother's voice, I approached them again and wrapped my arms around Seth's arm with a gentle squeeze.  

As if agreeing with me, Chaya's candy-red stained lips turned up into a tight smirk, "Yes, brother, listen to your wife and let me come with y'all, it'll be a fun little family vacation who know the ones we never had." 

"She's not my wife."

"I'm not his wife."

Seth and I echoed at the same time as if the maids had not just caught us in a steamy embrace only minutes ago. But truth be told, we weren't wife and husband, we weren't even a couple at all, we are simply playing a dangerous game in which could seal our fates in hell. 

However, the words did sting like bee to my heart for I truly wanted to be something more, but Seth was not laying down the foundation for us and instead would leave me wondering just to what we are for he seemed rather pleased to continue to play the game instead of winning it. 

It seemed to not matter what our relationship status was to Chaya for she shrugged her shoulders, "It would be nice to come with y'all, I mean I've spent the last two days in my car driving here and I swear my back as never felt older." 

Taking a deep breath, Seth gripped his hair tightly and I feared he might just ripe it out.  

"This is a terrible idea, for all we know she is a psychopath who actually killed my biologize sister and is wearing her skin!" Seth did not care that Chaya could hear him as he shouted and threw his hands around like a crazy man who just escaped from the loony bin.

My puppy dog eyes fell upon him as I tugged on his arm and with a very loud sigh he muttered out, "Fine she can come with us, but don't come crying to me when she skins you all alive and makes customs out of you, oh wait you won't be able to because you'll be dead!" 

To Know Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें