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Story: Below The Surface (WT)


Alice stood in one of the female restrooms leaning against a sink. In the silence, her thoughts had grown louder. What they did to her many years ago would repeat in her mind, burned into her circuitry like a permanent scar. She tried using all the taps, but blasting the water wasn't enough noise to block the thoughts. She's just like the rest. Alice would grip the sink's edge, staring at her glowing eyes in the mirror. Her blood boils closer to the edge, making it more difficult to cope with the image of Chloe's corpse. She doesn't fucking care! She killed my friend! I can't kill her, though. She's came so far- I can't do this to her. It wasn't her fault.
It's dark, almost too dark. She's alone. I don't want to be alone. She pushes off the sink and begins to breathe heavily with her hands on her head. The urge grows stronger, the demon grows restless. Her own past had her in it's grip, squeezing her nearer to breaking point.  They left me here to rot. She left me here to rot. She's going to take everything away. I can't go back. She killed Chloe. She needs to be stopped. Kill her. As Alice paced around rather impatiently, her chest begins to burn with a familiar hatred.

There was no end to this, Alice believed. It was going to go on for eternity, there was no saving herself. She silence, the darkness. The constant reminder of feeling pathetic and worthless. No one cares, Alice thought, slamming he fists on the the toilet stall door. I'm just some android, huh?
Alice would then turn on her heel to see her knife beside the sink she occupied. “I have feelings too. You killed my friend. You had me sealed up alone in the dark!” The android grabbed her trusty blade then punched the mirror in a sudden eruption of uncontrollable rage, shattering the glass. “Eight fucking years!” Alice laughed, almost maniacally. “I'm gonna show you what true horror really is!” She called into the atrium's dark void.
Alice would start dancing around the tables of the atrium, singing and cheering about her situations from the past, quickly gaining Charlie's full attention.
“Oh no,” Charlie whispered, worriedly.

Before she knew it, Alice was on a death sprint down the hall, laughing and cheering herself on with bright smile. She jumped and twirled, scraping the blade against the wall as she sang. Charlie slammed the door shut, hoping that the android would be coming down from the left corridor - her life depended on it. Luck was on her side as Alice would start beating the door and yelling aggressively.
“Alice, let's just talk this out!” Charlie exclaimed, stepping back from the door.
“Why do you hide inside your walls, Charlie?” Alice sang, giggling like a little girl.
“You're trying to kill me!”
“A small price to pay, Blondie! Come on out, there's music to be heard!”
Alice's joyful singing had no chance of working and she knew it. So she slams on the door again. “Get out here, Bitch!”
Charlie startled and looked around for anything that can help, but nothing was available. She checked under the desk hoping to see the gun again, but it wasn't replaced. When returned her attention to the door, Alice jumped at the window with fury in her eyes. “I'm gonna gouge your fucking eyes out, you hear?!”

Charlie turned to the other door, debating on leaving or staying. Would Monty be able to help? Charlie thought. The small light outside the door suddenly flicks to red and begins to pulse with an accompanying alarm, stealing the guards attention and adding to her concern.
“What's that?!” Charlie asked, pointing to where she assumed the light was on the other side.
The flashing light illuminated the side of Alice's face, and her eyes sharpen like a bull's. “I forgot to mention, didn't I?” she laughed. “These doors take up a lot of power. Mr Anderson doesn't want to waste energy, so these doors will remain closed for a limited time.”
“What?!” Charlie barked, shocked.
“I know, right? Isn't this so much fun?!” Alice would say, squealing. The alarm would sounded with quicker pulses, and Alice begins a countdown from ten.
What if she's lying? Charlie thought. She stepped far back from the door, and reluctantly too out her flashlight, preparing to make the dash for dear life. Alice laughed a little more as she continued the countdown, and moved to stand at the door.
As soon as the countdown ended, the heavy duty doors open like elevator doors. The alarm sounds one longer lasting buzz, now permanently painting the corridor in red lighting. Charlie's breath is snatched as a wave of terror had her paralyzed. Alice stood with her he'd tilted and a psychotic smile drawn across her red illuminated face. Her eyes now ignite a firey blue; a feature Charlie was sure would be impossible with the new android body.
“Run,” Alice spoke softly. In an instant, Charlie darts off into the darkness, playing the light ahead of her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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