10. A deadly game

Start from the beginning

“As long as it doesn’t involve either you or whale song, there’s only so much torment I can endure.”

“The torment hasn’t even begun yet.”

“That’s not what I would say, after months of counselling sessions with you.”

“I have to say that I really enjoyed our sessions. Unlike the others, you were a rare challenge, it wasn’t easy to undermine your confidence, faith or determination. So, I thank you for that.”

“Well, it’s always nice to feel appreciated.”

'Though not so much, when it’s by a psychotic arse.'

“Release her,” he said, as he motioned to the remaining man and woman.

Making their way over to me, they wasted no time in loosening the restraints before unshackling me.

I ran my hands over my numb ankles and wrists, where red welts and a trickle of blood remained. Glancing up, I locked eyes with Casimir as he smirked.

“I’m afraid the shackles had to be tight and touching flesh, in order for them to block your telekinesis. Unpleasant but necessary.”

“Similar to you, then, except for the necessary part.”

“I see that your wit is still firmly in pride of place. You know, I think I may actually miss that after I kill you.”

“Whereas when I survive, I’ll miss nothing about you.”

His eyes narrowed as his lips curved upwards. “You really must learn to be more honest with yourself, Lilith.”

“Honesty is overrated, or at least you seem to think so.”

I slowly straightened, pushing away from the pillar.

“Well, in the spirit of honesty, we’re going to have a little fun,” he laughed. “Well I am, you, not so much.”

“Killing you would definitely be fun.”

“You shouldn’t get your hopes up, you’ll only be all the more disappointed in the end.”

“I would say the same to you, only disappointment seems like something you’re already intimately familiar with.”

A harsh blow caused my head to snap back, leaving my ears ringing. As I fought to contain my anger, I shook it off, looking up. Standing in-front of me was the guy from earlier, the woman still stood behind him, leaning back against the stone carvings on the wall. Her gaze was focused on me, her eyes burning with amusement. Looking back at the guy still standing far too close to me, I stepped forward, forcing him to take a step back as I gave him a cold and calculating stare.

I heard Casimir chuckling, and stepped towards him, causing the guy to intercept me. His long fair hair fluttered around his shoulders at his quick movements, but Casimir waved him aside.

“It’s fine, she’s unable to use her telekinesis at the moment. The effects of the shackles will last for another thirty minutes before they wear off,” he mocked, gifting me a superior smirk. “Just enough time for the first, or maybe the first and the last game, we’ll see.”

‘That bastard.’

“In a moment, starting from just outside this room, you’ll have twenty minutes to find the Acacia tree. After all, it would be a shame for you to have come all this way, and not see the tree of life before you die. Of course, my fellow angel guardians will be blocking your path, and will be allowed to use lethal force to stop you. Although no guns, I wouldn’t want this to be over with too quickly. There’s no fun in that. If you make it, you’ll be kept alive for another four hours, while shackled of course, and then we’ll start all over again. We’ll keep going until you either die or give up.”

I said nothing, and remained unmoving except for a raised brow. After a moment of staring at his sick delight, I walked over to the door and waited. I heard his laughter as he watched me, before following.

“Open the door,” he said, as he leant forward and whispered close to my ear. “Whenever you’re ready, Lilith.”

I took a deep breath. I just needed to survive long enough for Cain and Abel to arrive.

‘If they kept their word, that is. If they didn’t, well, I’d kill as many of Casimir’s guardians as possible, and if I had the chance, him too.’

As I exhaled, I felt the man and the woman with the strawberry blonde bob, step up close behind me. Casimir having drifted to the side. I could almost feel the tension lingering outside the ornate doors, yet I couldn’t see anyone, but I knew that they were there.

Stretching my arms up above my head, my muscles screamed in protest. My temperature had been slowly rising, and I could feel the fringe of exhaustion beginning to weigh me down.

‘Shit, the fever is coming back.’

All of a sudden, I felt the two behind me tense as they stepped forward and leant into me, just as I had suspected. Abruptly I dropped, leaving them to stumble forward, lurching past me as I rose up behind them, throwing my bodyweight into them both, I sent them crashing through the door and out into the corridor.

The attack was immediate. Knives flew from both directions, sinking into their fellow guardians necks and backs. I heard their screams like the shrill pitch of a dying pig. As the other guardians cried out in horror at their mistake, I jumped out after them, the sound of Casimir’s deep laughter and his slow clapping, still the most chilling sound.

Running to the left, I tripped one guardian just as they came to their senses, the second I knocked to the side with an elbow to the jaw, catching hold of their jacket at the last moment to spin around behind them, as the others down the corridor began shooting in their fury.

‘So much for no guns.’

Ducking, I felt their body jerk and writhe as they took multiple bullets. Letting them go as the gunfire ceased, I yanked a knife from the neck of another body and fled. The corridors were a beautifully crafted blur as I ran looking for another large open room. The sound of footsteps streaming after me, an unpleasant echo.

Not too far up ahead, a hallway gradually grew in width while lit with braziers, giving a solemn but sacred feel. I could sense that that was the path leading to the tree of life, but if I made it, I’d be dragged back and shackled again. Casimir had said after thirty minutes, my ability to use telekinesis would return.

‘Although that psychotic nut was no-doubt lying.’

Hearing more shouts and more disgusting threats, I took off to the left, bearly jumping aside in time, as more knives sailed through the air and gunshots rang out.

Diving into a side room, the lock shattered thanks to a rogue bullet, I hid behind a pile of large cushions near a sunken sitting room, and waited for them to approach. Sweat slid down my back and chest, my eyes stinging as more perspiration slid down the sides of my face.

‘Fuck it, if it’s a game they want, I’ll give them one.’

Thank you for reading ❤️
(Word count 2,471)

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