The Story

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Ahhh ponytown.. what an innocent looking MyLittlePony inspired fan game that the bronies use to talk to each other,make friends and even show their OCs. Right?  Wrong!   I used to play it until I had a very horrific experience. One day before I even knew of the game I was browsing MyLittlePony fan made content until I saw a gameplay of a game under the name "PonyTown" I watched the video and I was amazed at how the sprites of everyone's characters looked. So I typed in the games name on my computer and made an account, and even made myself a OC of my style which was a light yellow pony with a red mane and tail. Overtime I met new friends especially a nice Green and Red Pegasus stallion named Geoffrey. He was a truly nice friend to interact with as he would protect his friends from bad players, compliment other ocs and help people feel happy when they were sad or heartbroken or depressed.  Sadly in 2020 he was removed from playing at all due to some bullcrap drama that some other bronies made up. I felt bad for him. After that since 2021 I began to lose interest in the game. I was getting into bigger and cooler things. Until one day recently I decided to play and this is where things began to go wrong. The main page for the game's title was rusted and cracked. I logged in and saw that all my ocs I made were replaced with a puddle of blood and the icon showing the head of the pony was replaced with a skull. There were 2 character slots left. One being my oc perfectly fine but the others colors were blacked out and the silhouette would show instead. I tried clicked on the silhouette pony but it said "Slot Locked! Please check later". So the only option was to play as my Pony OC. When I checked the servers I could join all I could see was 2 servers being the main server and a server that was locked with corrupted text for a name. So I joined the main server. The grass was like as if autumn had hit but majority of the players weren't on as the number of players was very small as almost to 100 players. The players noticed that my pony felt uneasy about something and I was pretty uneasy too. So I talked with a few of them and they comforted me. Everything was ok except I saw the black silhouette pony run past me and stopped in front of me. I also noticed that the there was only 2 players left on the server which was me and this mysterious pony. I typed in a sentence but got no response. But when I tapped on the silhouette the game sent me back to the avatar menu. I also noticed that the character builders green background turned dark red and my oc looked like she had cuts on her. I checked the server names and saw that the main servers name changed to "Turn Back". I clicked it and it loaded a new world. The world was dark with blue-ish grass. I made my oc walk around then eventually triggered some kind of cutscene. It was a pixelated sprite of the silhouette with another oc which resembled a changeling. Without warning the pony silhouette pushed the changeling OCs silhouette down a pit and onto a pixelated spike. The changeling sprite was impaled within contact and pixelated blood flew out. It then cuts back to me and the silhouette. Just then my screen shook with a loud corrupted noise and the map turned black and briefly said a text message saying "You Couldn't Help Him" then it sent me back to the menu again. But this time my pony looked even worse in injuries. The background behind the pony was even worse now as it was darker in red with some pixelated blood showing. The name of the open server said "It's too late to leave" I clicked it and was sent to another world but instead it was just a building around an ocean with a toolbox. I walked over to it and tapped it but no tools appeared in the ponies mouth. I tapped it a few more times and then the silhouette spawned in. I tapped the toolbox for the last time and the room turned dark red and a door appeared. I tapped on the door and my oc left the screen and then I heard a scream and blood started gushing out and the silhouette started blinking and then I was kicked back to the menu but this time my oc was dead. I checked the character slot and found out the other character was playable now. I began to cry when the icon revealed the pony to be a male Green Pegasus stallion with a red mane and tail. It was Geoffrey. Except his expression was blank. He looked like he was in a terrible state of condition. He was covered in cuts and blood. There was only one server choice left. The corrupted named server. I hesitated on clicking it but then the green pony did something out of the ordinary. He walked to the button and pressed play and the world loaded. The grass was dead and dry, the buildings were on fire and trees had no leaves. There were also pieces of other ocs from the mlp fandom that I recognized except they were dead. The water was also a tint of red due to there being blood of dead ponies in the water. Then he started walking on his own. I wasn't even touching the arrow keys on my pc. As he kept walking he saw a brown Pegasus with brown mane and tail wearing a gray hoodie and hat and preceded to kill him. I was shocked to see this happen. Then he walked again and saw what appeared to be all his enemies all beat up and hurt along with the changeling oc that was killed earlier. The changeling wore a black business suit. Then they saw Geoffrey look at them with an expression of anger and malice. Then he did a spin dash like in Sonic 2 and took out every enemy who hated him and how he hated them. Pixelated blood flew everywhere as each one died. Then Geoffrey spoke "that will teach them for not believing me". Then he began to walk again eventually he stopped at what looked like a Christmas gift on the grass. He opened the box and it revealed a pony skull. Eventually he passed by his friends and told them all to find a safe place. All of his friends agreed and left. Eventually he reached the spot where I met him for the first time. I then said though my mouth. "Why are you doing this?" He then heard me speak irl and he looked at the screen. And then he said this.... "Your friends have put me through hell from all the bad things you said about me. Your friends took my words and story and took it out of context.  I was telling the truth on everything. Your friends took the few things I liked about this fandom including ponytown away from me."  I also noticed that this triggered another cutscene which showed an animated version of Geoffrey. Then everything on him being his fur,skin,mane,tail,ETC began to slowly melt away. As he began to melt He said this "I'll make you suffer...." He continued melting until it was nothing but a mere skeleton. He continued his sentence. "The same pain and torment your friends caused me to endure" and with that the skeleton fell apart to the ground into a pile of bones. I was shocked and crying to see and know that my friends and possibly me encouraged this kind of bullying to him. Then a loud scream came out of my computer. The scream sounded like a man in extreme pain. This scared the crap out of me. Then the game sent me back to the main page but this time the title of the game was "Ponytown: Geoffrey's Curse" and instead of saying a message that I was banned from the game. The red message box only said 2 words.  It said. "Game Over!". Then my computer turned off by itself. I decided to go over to one of my friends houses to tell him my story and what I experienced. He then told me that he was gonna play some ponytown. I watched him log into his account and everything was normal on his account. All his ponies were ok and so was the servers. As he played he was talking to other players whose ponies were alive as all could be. A little while later I told my friend that I had to go home. When I got home and opened my front door. A Raccoon ran out, Hissed at me and ran off into the woods and I went in I saw that the inside of my house was a mess. Furniture was knocked over, plates and silverware was scattered around the kitchen. And my computer was on the table of the dining room table with a computer disk that said "Geoffrey" on it. I put it in my pc. Just as I put it in the computer I instantly fell asleep. I woke up the next day and I saw that the video on the disk didn't play yet. I pressed play and the video started. It showed Geoffrey walking home from the park and then it showed the ocs of his enemies jump him as he was walking home. They began bullying him and beating him up and saying that he is not worth helping and that he was a worthless waste of space. Geoffrey fought back and managed to fend them off. The bullies fled the scene but Geoffrey looked beat up. He had cuts on him and bruises too. He said this "you cruel bullies will receive karma when you least expect it!" The video ended and the cd tray ejected the disk. After it was ejected the power in my house went out. The computer was still on and then it played another video. It was just a Black background and then Geoffrey's head popped up in frame looking at me with his eyes. I leaned to an angle and his eyes watched me move. Then he spoke. " Don't be like the other bullies. Learn to love and don't love attention or drama...... Be Kind.... Promise Me that you will do this.... You Never know a good thing until it is gone.." I felt so sorry for him.  I nodded my head saying Yes. He then said "Good" in a calm tone with a calm smile still with slightly sad eyes. Then my computer screen shut off on its own. Then the power came back on. I then decided to clean up the mess in my house and then go to bed. I woke up the next day to watch tv because it was Saturday and I decided to watch the news. The news anchor said that there was a group of people on the Internet who were revealed to be harassing someone on the internet named "Geoffrey". Some of the bullies were suspended from twitter and 15 of them were arrested for cyberbullying him. It was then revealed on the news that majority of the people that were encouraged in believing the bullies realized that what they did was wrong and were all making apology posts to him saying that they were sorry for not believing him. Even now I still hear his voice in the back of my head and now I know why.  Cyberbullying is not right at all as it has consequences. I also know my experience of the game was also like a message to me so let it be a message for you. Don't be a cyberbully,  Don't believe in all things people say on the internet, take and give second chances to people. Ok?  Good.  

Epilogue:  I tried typing in ponytown's link again only to find out that the game had been temporarily shut down after the news was shown to the public and that it also received a temporary cease and desist by hasbro. I do have the footage of my experience recorded but idk if i will ever will upload it.  Goodbye ponytown.. I will never miss you. But I'm sure that you will return in September!

My Digital Escape!! Also known as ponytown dead edition!!Where stories live. Discover now