"Arrgghh!". I threw the file in annoyed after principal Marjorie getting away from me. Alright I gave up, for now. Later, I will really make principal Marjorie approve this petition so I can show Vivian that I can do better than her as the president of the student council.

I tried to search again for the file on the floor, but I noticed someone's ugly converse were standing near it before I could react, a delicate hand picked it. Oh my god, did I just compliment this person?.

"Is this yours?". I looked up and found the garage girl, Ellie handed me the paper. I snatched it away from her quickly. "Casual Friday,huh? I heard that from Vivian."

"I'm the first one who come up with the idea! Vivian just being useless for not getting Marjorie's approval!"

She nodded, pursing her lips a little. Why did I find that cute? "I see, do you get her approval then?"

I paused awkwardly before saying. "I'm still on the process"

"Ahh I see.."

"You wouldn't get it, you used to wear casual clothes to school as oppose to uniform."

Ellie let out a small smile after I gave her an attitude. "Well, actually I like my clothes better. This just not my color."

"Oh then,". I suddenly scoot closer to her, smiling nicely. "Can you sign this? Who knows, maybe principal Marjorie will approve if she saw your name on it".She still a little bit smell like motor lubricant, but It seemed I have getting used to her sense. I found it so masculine to be honest.

"Wow it's so bright!". She commented as soon as she opened the proposal.

"It's pink, scented and glittering". I said giddily. She started to read it while I wait for her

"Nah.." I looked in surprised when she gave me the paper back without signing it. "I'm not interested in this sort of stuff."

"What? But why? You said you don't like our uniform earlier!"

Ellie nodded. "I do, but I don't think there will be any difference even if there's my name on it". She started to walk away but without thinking I grab her hand with mine.

"But Ellie!". We both froze while looking at our intertwined hands. I let her out in quick after that, putting my cocky attitude once again. "Okay, you're right. You're not that important in here anyway"

She then gave me a last smile before saying. "Well then, good luck Prada"


I stared at nothing in particular while my friends busy picking the outfit at Henry's that we will wear in the party. There are so many things coming in my mind right now, but the one occupied me the most was my interaction with Ellie at the school earlier this day. Can I say that, she looks different than the rest of the people I encountered with? I mean no matter how many times I may insult and offend her, she only gave me a smile. Never once I sensed a dislike, annoyance,hate or anger from her green eyes. I don't know if she just dense or have a thick patience, but I kinda found it sweet.

Oh my god! Did I just admit that I attracted to her? No,no it can't be. She's not my type. Although I can say that she got a great body and look hot with that crop top the other day at the garage, but I can't like a person who smell like motor lubricant...

I whined internally, but I have admitted that I kind of like her smell too!

"Prada! Prada!". I looked up to my friends while I'm still gripping onto my hair. They stared at me with concern, they probably have been calling me for few times now. "What happened? Are you okay?". Maddie asked.

The Devil name is PradaWhere stories live. Discover now