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Clarke's pov

I gaze down at my sketchbook resting on my lap, a drawing of lexa looks back at me, it's of when we first met. That knife she had twisted around in her hand. Probably to intimidate me, and maybe at the time, it had, a little. Looking at it now, it resurfaced the image of the moment in memory.

I can't help but to blush a little at the thought, God she always managed to look so effortlessly alluring, enchanting even while in commander attire, a sort of confidence radiated off her.

Something about her pulled me in, even after Mount Weather. I know I should hate her, but I can't. I even held that knife to her throat, I was so angry. but when I saw her eyes, green like the forest, they sparkled with sorrow.

I had glared back into them, "I'm sorry, I never meant to turn you into this." She had said, she almost.. curled in on herself in that moment, she was trembling. I knew she could so easily fight me off her, I'd seen her fight before. Hell, she could probably kill me and wipe out my people.

She seemed almost weak, this wasn't the commander I met in the tent. Heda, the leader of the 12 clans. The one who always bosted against bring weak, "love is weakness" She had said as I watched Finn burn.

seeing her like that, I couldn't do it, I'd wanted to five minutes ago, but now, I don't know why, maybe something to do with those green eyes of hers, yet it felt like something deeper than that.

I had dropped the knife and backed away, she offered for me to leave and go back to my people, but I denied. I had to stay, to protect my people.

but it's been a month since that knife incident. (rn the time line is after the fight with Roan, a week after, im not following the storyline exactly tho, pike just doesn't exist in this one shot. fuck that bitch, and it avoids conflict)

Now deep down, I didn't wanna admit it, but maybe I was staying for a little more than just my people. I mean seeing Lexa almost die at the hands of Roan, then seeing her kill the queen. it had been exhilarating to see, and also terrifying.

I still hadn't forgiven her, but I couldn't bare the thought of her death. It's funny, a month ago I wanted her dead, but now, I guess, I wanted her to be.. happy.

My thoughts started to circulate around that kiss we had shared in the tent before we marched on Mount Weather.

I couldn't help but smile and touch my finger to my lips, tracing them.

"May I come in ambassador?" a voice questioned from outside my door, Lexa.

I pushed the earlier thoughts away, and placed the sketchbook where I had been sitting as I stood up.

"yes." I tried to sound genuine though, I mean she had just made us the 13th clan a few nights ago. As much as the Mounth Weather thing hurt, that had made up for a lot of it. Even my people were warming up to the idea. My mom and Kane had been able to convince most of them at the idea of peace.

the door opened and Lexa walked in, closing the door behind her. she didn't have any of her usual war paint on, and was dressed in a casual leg length dress.

she looked pretty, I quickly pushed the thought away. "did you need anything Lexa? how's your hand?" I glanced at her hand, it had a new bandage on it, a different one then the one I had put on her the night of the fight. She held it in her other hand, protectively, like it was hurting her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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