𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫. ... death eater by association?

Start from the beginning

"I... don't mind Earl Grey..."

"You need to have a word with yourself," says Georgia, very seriously.

Thankfully, the Sorting Ceremony concludes itself; the Sorting Hat is put away for another year, but not before Fianna can cast a dirty look its way, eternally scarred from her six minutes in hell on her first day of school. The school choir file out, standing in two neat lines in front of the teachers. Professor Flitwick, their Charms teacher and the head of the choir, stands in front of them, waving his wand like a conductor's baton. With a light tap, the choir burst into a rendition of Islands in the Stream. Fianna bites her lip to stifle her laughter. Clearly school is trying to show the appeal of muggles... but Fianna isn't sure that this is the best song for it. Fleetwood Mac, however? That'd convert any Death Eater into a fan of muggles, even if Fianna's unconvinced Stevie Nicks is a muggle herself.

After the choir finish, Dumbledore takes their place. Fianna checks her watch, her stomach starting to churn with hunger. She hopes that Dumbledore's speech is quick, so she can eat soon.

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! As always, I want to extend the merriest of welcomes to our first years. I hope you settle in with ease, and that the older students help you feel welcome and, of course, an important member of your house." Dumbledore pauses for a second; Fianna looks at the Gryffindor first years, all beady eyes and oversized uniforms. "I think this year is as important as ever for us to emphasise the importance of community."

Fianna and Georgia exchange a look; apparently, in-between the chaos of Fianna and Regulus, a Slytherin seventh year called Gus Rookwood was found to have a Dark Mark, and was arrested by the Aurors. Selfishly, Fianna felt relieved by the news — if they've arrested one, hopefully they won't go sniffing around again for a while.

It does make Fianna nervous, though. Gus and Regulus hang around in the same group, alongside Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr. and Pandora. If two of them are Death Eaters, Fianna can only assume the other half are, as well... And you never know, Pandora could be lying about her disinterest in the whole thing, to keep the scent off her...

And that's just their group — what if there's more Death Eaters lurking in Hogwarts uniforms, or students planning to join them one day? Fianna feels as though she needs to hold her tongue, now more than ever. If the wrong person overhears my mum is a muggle and my brother is a werewolf, she's dead...

... Which feels easier said than sorry, now that her apparent boyfriend is a Death Eater. (She prays to God, as muggle-ish as it is, that she does not have to spend a single minute with any of Regulus' death-eating friends. Ew, ew, ew!)

"One of our own was found to be a Death Eater today. And, I know there may be more amongst us — or people thinking about choosing that path." There's a pause. Fianna can feel Georgia staring at her, the blonde's new allegiance with Regulus Black giving her a target. "All I say to you is this — no one can choose our bloodline, and it is unfair to judge someone on this. Lend a friendly hand to someone new this year... You may gain the unlikeliest of friends."

Fianna glances over at the Slytherin table, on the opposite end of the Great Hall. Unluckily, she catches Regulus' gaze, who awkwardly looks away from her as Evan Rosier whispers something to him. There's a gap between Barty Crouch and Pandora, as if the boys had left space for their since-expelled friend.

"Before we tuck in, I have one final announcement," says Dumbledore. Fianna wishes she could groan. Her stomach cartwheels, famished. "Due to the current environment, Hogwarts is taking extra safety precautions this year. This includes reduced hours in Hogsmeade on the weekends — including a provisional ban on students leaving the grounds to attend part-time jobs—"

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