Chapter 1

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A voice whispers. A very familiar voice whispers.

The same voice that made his heart crumble down to fragments years ago. And yet those sentiments seemed like they were returning, even after he believed they were lifeless.

Not desiring to spin around and find the same face that mended his heart, he stood motionless, facing the bark of the cherry blossom tree, lachrymose. The man behind sauntered nearer.

"It is you."

Yuri turned around and witnessed the spring returning to life. At the moment, the cherry blossoms seemed just purposeless creations of the one above, flowering and perishing to nothingness. Spring stands as him. The cool breeze, the fervency of sunlight on your freezing skin, the apricity, the mere flowers: It exists as him.

It lives as him; It never breathes its last.

He could feel his heartbeat rush as the anxiety took over him. His stomach wrenched and contorted again by forces mysteriously vague and peculiarly eccentric. While feeling frozen to the floor, his legs began to wobble gently. Time seemed to stall. As a sigh of misery, woe and breathlessness, his parched lips let out,


The man gave him an earnest smile. And simply like that, his beliefs and anxiousness ceased to be perceptible to the sight of his soul's core. The abyss of his devotion, which he deemed was vanished too, grew more in-depth. He felt like he got stuck in a quagmire and couldn't reach out to someone.

It felt like a black hole.

"God, where have you been?"

He moved towards him and pressed Yuri's body to his chest. His petite body to his not-so-enormous chest felt warm and just right. A sudden ache erupted in the older's shoulders as he had a rush of adrenaline. He felt as if his lungs halted and ceased operating. His breath hastened as he began sensing something barricading the pathway for pure air to subsist. If that man were to let go right now, he would presumably lose his equilibrium because of the feebleness of his body at the moment. His hands unhurriedly journeyed up to his back and eventually lost the so-thought battle giving in to his embrace, allowing all the trepidations and weight to descend onto him. Despite feeling like an egomaniacal solipsistic being, he sank more profoundly into his grasp, making commitments and oaths concerning how he would let go soon.

'Just for a little while, my orchid. I promise'

Kei mumbled into his ear, "I hate you, you know?" Both of them let go of each other succinctly after it. Their faces were now in the presence of each other's panorama.

Well, he was being reasonable and pragmatic. Yuri anathematized himself for nevertheless thinking the way he thought years ago.

"Why didn't you call? And why didn't you pick up my calls?" His smile had disappeared a while ago. He looked pretty aggravated. And pretty while being aggravated.

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