Eadwulf: Leia.

Leia stops and looks over at Eadwulf. Her head turns back to the others.

Leia: Sorry everyone.

Leia laughs a little and walks over to Eadwulf, tugging on his sleeve.

Leia: (Whispering) Please do not try to call me out in front of everyone like that. You know how nervous some of these guys already are.

Eadwulf: So dont be nervous yourself. Give them the confidence booster.

Leia takes a deep breath and glances back to the rocket. She looks at a timer and sees it is 30 minutes until launch. Another deep breath and she sits down at her desk.

Leia: Fifteen years. Three failed attempts.

Eadwulf: But each one getting us closer.

Leia smiled a little and looked up to Eadwulf. He smiled down at her. She turned back around and saw Beacon tower in the far off distance. A new CCT tower fully built.

Leia: Soon...we'll be free.

Leia's smile only grows as she turns back to talk with her partners and with Eadwulf.


Inside the deserts of Vacuo, Chief Anialwch walks along a small path at a nearby bazaar, setup for the tribe. He exits the camp and smiles a little, rubbing his beard that is now white. His hair now gone as he is bald. Along the outskirts of this little stop stands Llew Glas. She turns back to her chief before returning her gaze out to the horizon. As she looks, she sees a ship coming in close to the stop. She turns to Anialwch and smiles a bit.

Llew: Stay with the defenses. And keep the guardsmen on watch.

Anialwch: Llew..we know. Go.

Llew smiles a bit and nods. She walks up to the ship as it lands. It is a Manta. And from the side door steps Ing Pugno. He is in full Atlesian Armor, decked in green coloring. He smiles and offers his hand to Llew. She takes it and steps on board the ship.

Ing: Nice to see you again.

Llew: Same to you. You've gotten taller.

Ing: Really?

Llew: I would notice. You were the shortest of us all Ing.

Ing: Just going to rub that one in...thanks Llew. It's not like I've known you for almost 20 years now. Sheesh.

The bay doors close and the ship takes off towards Vale.


Back inside Leia's office, she taps her finger along the desk. She sees a few calls coming in and she smiles. Answering them, they reveal to be direct lines to Haven and Atlas Academies. On screen arrives Elsa Inverno and Bazaar Hiltzaile.

Elsa: Miss Burns.

Leia: General. Headmaster.

Bazaar: Greetings. I take it the Vale council is-

Leia: Watching the news feed.

Elsa: Has Isaac or Roz reached out?

Eadwulf: Nothing yet. But knowing those two, they would be watching. Ing and Llew are on their ways over. They wont be able to catch it here with us. But they will watch it.

Leia: I know. We got about 20 minutes to launch.

Bazaar: And Frederic?

Leia: Finishing up work. Bell should ring any moment now.

Team FLME: Volume 10Where stories live. Discover now