The Beginning of Terror

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In a dark castle, far away from where the boys are, a man was kneeling in front of a ruby-encrusted throne which was bathed in shadows. “Your Highness, I’ve got the security plan from Elementia,” he whispered, holding out a thick scroll in front of the throne. A spider-like hand received it and opened it to read. Soldiers bearing ornate lamps of blazing fire entered the castle in unison, hooking them on nails, bathing the castle in eerie red light. Only the throne remained shadowed. The man kneeling near the throne waited. The spider-like hand contracted, and the owner of it leant forward. His eyes had a sharp, bloody look. His red eyes perfectly described his dark hair and scarred face. A crown of rubies sat on top of his hair. He wore a set of silver robes with red rubies decorating the edges. His thin mouth curved into a sneer. “Very well,” he said in a low voice, “I see you have proved yourself to be useful. The punishment on you would be revoked. With this, I’ll be finally able to defeat that king who has left us in shackles for too long. I will finally take over the power I was destined for.” The man seemed to tremble at this sudden remark, but kept his voice steady as he said, “Your Highness, I also managed to get another piece of information from our informants.” The Supreme rested back, his eyes haughty. “Well?” The man seemed to dread that very order and continued shakily, 

“Some t-teenage boys, they h-have…have m-managed to get the…the element we h-have worked s-so hard to d-defeat…” 

The man on the throne gripped the arm of it so hard as he stood up, making the man below squeak with terror. “I don’t believe it. We defeated every single one of that element! If they rise again, it will cause our downfall! How in the world-? Unless,” he turned menacingly to the kneeling man. “You were our previous informant, are you not?” The latter nodded. The King crouched down to see the other’s face clearly. “You did the work as perfect as I could ask for! Did you leave one behind?” he asked, a deathly note in his voice. The man, too afraid to speak, shook his head. The Supreme tutted loudly as he stood up. “I always know when you lie, so I’m afraid you’ll get the punishment back,” he said. The man’s voice was much shakier as he pleaded for mercy. “Please, Your Highness. I would never do such a thing! I swear, none was left behind. Those boys might’ve gotten the power through ancestral genes. I’m sure of it, Your Highness, I’ve - “ Exactly what that man had done was never known, for the Supreme struck a dark icicle-like swirl of shadows at the man’s heart, killing him. 

As he kicked aside the man’s corpse, he stared out of the window. “I knew you’d put up something like this. They’re just teenagers. I’ll handle them easily. But first, I must test their prowess,” he muttered. He then turned to the waiting soldiers. “I want you all to track the boys with that element. Ambush them and bring them here,” he ordered. The soldiers bowed and left.  

Jeongin woke up with a start, cold sweat dripping on his face at what he just dreamt. He nervously ran his hand through his hair, breathing hard. He could feel his heartbeat quicken as he recounted the ‘dream’. “Jeongin-ah! You good?” Seungmin asked from the lower bunk. Jeongin nodded shakily. “I’m fine hyung.” “Are you sure? You were screaming like mad a few minutes ago.” “Just a dream, hyungnim. I’m alright.” “If you say so, then. Hurry up, it's dumplings for breakfast.” Jeongin climbed down the ladder, freshened up and left the tent for breakfast, recounting what he had dreamt about. There was a man, looking like a cult leader, and another one, who seemed to be a spy. They were plotting to get rid of some boys with ‘a power they had worked so hard to defeat’. It might be us, said Jeongin’s instinct, but he chose to ignore it as he piled dumpling after dumpling into his mouth. The other boys and the man seemed to have noticed Jeongin’s preoccupied expression, for Felix asked, “Jeongin, are you alright?” Jeongin hastily looked up, his mouth filled with dumplings. He nodded. The others stared at him for a while then returned their attention to the steaming dumplings. 

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