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Ulquiorra's P.O.V ~(^-^)~

I watch as Ichigo's face erupts in a deep blush. I can feel my own face tinting with the same hew. I sit down, not wanting anymore attention. I hear Ichigo hitting his head on his desk, then falling asleep. I watch him. He seems to be more on edge around me. Was it because of last night? 'No.' I shake my head. 'Ichigo most likely thought it was a dream.' I press a hand to my mouth, remembering the slight pressure of his lips. I flush slightly and pull out a notebook and pencil, I begin to doodle.

The bell rings, signaling lunch. I stand, stretching. I am about to close my book but I stop. I stare at the picture in agony. It's a perfect picture of Ichigo, catching him when he didn't scowl. I close the notebook, sliding it into my backpack. I sling it over a shoulder and shake Ichigo awake. He wakes up with a, "Whaaaaaaattttttt...."

"It's time to...eat?" I ask/state.

He jurks upright and grabs a box. He stands and leads me up onto the roof. Two of his friends sit there, they look up as Ichigo calls out to them. "Hey Keigo, Mizuiro."

Mizuiro smiles and stops as soon as his eye land on me. "Who's this Ichigo?" His calm voice asked.

Ichigo looks back at me. I look down, not liking the way the other one was staring at me. "This is Ulquiorra." Ichigo's voice said gruffly.

His hand pulls my chin up and makes me look at him. He gives me a look, then sits down next to Keigo. I sit down a few feet from the trio. Keigo's face appears infront of me. "Hi! My name is Keigo!" I lean back and scrunch up my nose.

"I'm Ulquiorra and I want to eat my lunch in peace." I unintentionaly lean towards Ichigo, trying to get away from the crazy boy.

Keigo leans back and huffs. I scoot away from them even more and began to eat. A few mintues pass and I'm trying to figure out how to drink the juice from the little box. I loudly say, "Damnit! Why can't I open this thing?!"

Keigo and Mizuiro start laughing, so I look down, embarassed. Ichigo takes the juice box and demonstraites how to open it. He hands it back to me, his hand lingering longer on mine than I think was nessesary, since his friends were right next to us. I nod a thanks and began to sip on the straw. I let my eyes wonder while I think about a way to get Ichigo by himself and tell him...WHOA, slow your roll there, Ulquiorra! I blink and shake my head to get rid of the thoughts that had clouded my mind. Ichigo's hand lands on my shoulder, his conserned face peers at me. "Hey, Ulquiorra, you okay man? You spaced out there for a minute, then you started to shake your head really fast, so I though you were..."

I smile sheepishly and patt his shoulder. I stand and brush off the invisible dust from my pants. I straighten and  wait for Ichigo to lead the way to class. All of a sudden, a girl's high pitched scream sounds right next to my ear. I clutch my ear, winceing. "Omgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!! You are SO CUTE!" and then I was 'glomped' by a girl with big boobs.

She rubs her chest up and down my arm as I stare at her. She has blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I winkle my nose and yank my arm out of her grasp. I dart to Ichigo's side and hide behind him. "Ichigo, why are the human females so.....outward?" I ask him.

Ichigo had gone stiff when the girl had hugged me. He looks down at me slightly and smirks, "Oh yes. But the guys are worse, I hear. Though, some of them..not so much."

"Oh Ichi! You are so hot! Take me!!" She hurls herself at us.

Ichigo runs like a mad-man to the school. I'm not far behind him. We arive in the class room out of breath and sprawled out on our desks. No one else is in yet, so we relax and chat about random things; like : How come you're alive? and How did you get here?

I try to answer honestly. I really do, but it's hard to do that when everytime I try to tell him, my throat makes little whimpering sounds. Ichigo frowns and reaches over to me, slowly running his thumb over my cheek. His eyes encurage me to tell him how I managed to survive. I gulp and begin the story, "Well, you remember how when I had blown that hole in your chest? And when you came back to life in your hollow released form, after Oriheime had cried and asked you to come back? Well...." I swallow loudly and scratch the back of my head, "Well, when I went to dust, I looked at your face and I saw that you were sad to see me go. So in that darkness, I reached out and forced myself to come back, for you." I looked down and sighed, "So yeah, that's how I got back."

Ichigo leans back and closes his eyes, "So, in other words, my voice called out to you and you came back to life?" He asks.

I nod and turn to my desk. I grab my notebook, flipping to a clean page. I start to doodle, and soon enough, a rough shape of two faces are visible. An eye, a hand, hair, lips, another eye, another hand, another mouth, more hair. I lean back and crack my knuckles. Ichigo looks over my shoulder at the paper. "Hey, is that...us?" he's refurring to the picture. Its of two boys, who look shockingly similar to me and Ichi. I look up at him, my eyes sharp and lonely.

"I suppose." I look back down, twirling the orange colored pencil in my right hand. "If you want it to be." I say the last few words quietly.

Ichigo lifts my chin and stares into my eyes. He smiles and lightly kisses my forehead. "I'd love it to be." He whispers.

Just then, everyone files into the room. I quickly close my notebook and shove it in my backpack. The teacher calls for order, and we get back to work.

3 hours later - Spongebob spokes person voice-

I stand and stretch, grabbing my backpack, someone pushes me to the ground. I sit up, shaking my head and glaring at the kid whom had pushed me. Its.......um...a.....girl? "What was that for?!" Ichigo shouted at her.

She turns to him, hands stuck in her pockets. She lifts her head to look at him, her brown hair falling in her eyes. "Um, I didn't push him, for the record. I just so happened to watch him fall." She drops her gaze and looks over at me, a small smile playing on her lips. "Hi, Ulquiorra." She gives me a small wave.

"Sammie, where are you?!" A boys voice yells though the class.

The girl perks up and shouts, "I'm over here, David!"

A boy with deep brown, curly hair stumbles out from the croud and smiles widely. He gives the girl a hug and ruffles her hair, "Idiot! Don't you run off again! You had me and the others worried."

She grins and bats the boy's hand away, "Watch it, cadette, before I make you drop and give me 20." She gives David a fake scowl, then starts to laugh. "Sorry, buddy. I wanted to see if I could find Ichigo and Ulquiorra."

David groans. "Sam, how many times did I tell you that Bleach isn't...real..." He looks at Ichigo. "Oh....shit."

"I told you so, silly!" Sammie chimes and she claps her hands together.

David turns to her and takes a playful step towards her. She backs away and runs. They chase each other around and out of the room, only to come back to say goodbye. Sammie takes his hand and pulls him to the door. He nods and waves at us. Sam waves at both of us, her face lighting up with joy.  They leave the room, the boy chatting away with the girl about how he wanted to go back  home.

Ichigo looked at me and I flushed. His eyes shone with desire. I look down and scuff my foot on the floor. Ichigo coughs and I look up slightly. He's looking away. Maybe he doesn't like me. I look down again, defeated. "W-would you like to g-go on a date with...me?" Ichigo grinds out.

I look up in shock. He's blushing. I grab his hand and hold it tightly. He looks at me and I smile. "I'd love to."

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