"Mr Potter" Snape interrupted "you've made your point" Dumbledore looked a bit embarrassed by Harry's words, while also being a bit curious about where he was going with the badger.

"Yeah, and that point is the headmaster is an idiot" Lily growled "tell me Dumbledore, what are you planning to do now?"

"I'm sorry to say that your sons will have to compete" Dumbledore said "however, I do offer my sincerest apologies. I understand your anger towards me, but there is nothing I can do"

"James, Sirius" Lily said in a slow and deadly voice "would you please take Harry and Adrian out of this office?" Both men gulped and quickly moved to grab the boys

"But I want to watch!" Harry objected as James began dragging him out "I want to watch! Let me watch it please! You can skip Christmas this year but just let me watch this!" The other adults had the sense to leave as well.

Lily left the office five minutes later, all the furniture in it was smashed, the paintings were cowering in fear. A bookshelf or two was on fire, Dumbledore's desk was in splinters. Dumbledore himself was sitting on his chair with his beard burnt and the top of his hat on fire.

"Damn" He said out loud "that woman is vicious"

He still didn't know how this all happened, yes he wanted Adrian in the tournament for multiple reasons. The first would be to check his strength and see how strong the boy is, ever since Dumbledore had learned that Adrian had restarted his training with his brother he was overjoyed as it meant that Adrian was improving. It would also let Dumbledore know what exactly Harry was teaching his brother and Dumbledore could shut it down if it wasn't appropriate.

It would also be a great challenge for Adrian to overcome, to learn to rise up and past the hate of his fellow students to become the hero that the wizarding world needed. Also, if Adrian was struggling then he could come to the great Albus Dumbledore for help.

Harry Potter being put in the tournament totally caught him off guard, fortunately he put a backup piece of parchment in the goblet. It was a simple plan, if the death eater didn't manage to put Adrian's name in the goblet than he himself would do it. But if he did then Dumbledore was close enough to stop the second piece from coming out.

He didn't like the idea of Harry Potter being in the tournament, while it did have benefits such as learning more about the boy's true strength, it would take attention away from Adrian. He also knew that it was because of Harry that Adrian made that magical oath and now most of the school would likely be sympathetic to him as they saw that he was being forced to compete.

Adrian had just gotten into the common room after having a long talk with Harry and the rest of his family. Unfortunately they had to compete but Adrian and Harry made a deal where they would look after each other during the tasks, though if they were being honest it was more Harry promising to look after Adrian and Adrian promising to help if he could.

Adrian thought about how he would have reacted a little while ago, before he would've loved to be in this tournament and be the centre of attention, but now…not so much. It was horrible having his parents worry about him, and he was not looking forward to being put in life threatening tasks. At least he had Harry to protect him.

He saw Hermione and Ron waiting up for him.

"Hey guys" He sighed and sat down next to them "oh Merlin, I am tired"

"I can't believe you entered the tournament and didn't tell me how to do it!" Ron glared Adrian

"What?!" Adrian blurted out in surprise "I didn't do it! Me and Harry swore on our magic and life that we didn't do it!"

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