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After searching for a while, Leon and I found our ticket out of the underground hellhole. An elevator opened before us, made of brushed steel. Though its color was fading, the walls were smooth and cool to the touch, and the floor was covered in a plush carpet. The overhead lighting was bright and fluorescent, casting a stark white glow over the interior. The air inside the elevator was cool and refreshing, providing a much-needed respite from the humid and dank atmosphere of the underground tunnels.

To try and pass the time, I hummed to myself, imagining what I would do after my time here. I was brought back to reality as I heard a thud behind me. I turned to see Leon on the ground, veins bulging and hands gripping his head in agony. As he lifted his head, I saw his deathly pale figure reaching out for me.

My hands trembled with both worry and confusion as I attempted to check his temperature by reaching for his forehead. My hand was met with a burning sensation. Leon's flushed face further confirmed that the parasite was slowly taking over his body.

Before I could take another step, Leon suddenly jumped at me and pinned me to the wall with one hand wrapped around my throat. His death grip on me wouldn't budge as I squirmed under his touch. As my breathing quickened and my eyelids became heavier, I gazed into Leon's bloodthirsty eyes.

It seemed in a matter of moments he had developed a lust for the wicked and that parasite had greater control over his body than he did. His grip around my neck tightened by the second making it impossible for me to take him down with sheer force. Yet, his unstable state gave me the opportunity to outwit him. Thinking on my feet, I was able to maneuver myself to kick his legs and break free.

As Leon slowly came to, he blinked his eyes a few times, looking disoriented and confused. "What happened?" he mumbled, trying to gather his bearings.

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that he was okay, "You fainted. And when you woke up, you tried to choke me against the elevator wall," I explained, my tone gentle as I try to keep him calm.

His eyes widened in shock and horror as he processed my words, "I'm so sorry," he said, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

I shook my head, assuring him that I was fine. As I do so, he leaned in a bit closer, his eyes focused on my neck. I felt his warm breath on my skin as he inspected the area where he had clamped his hands just moments ago. It made me blush a little.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks, his concern evident in his voice.

I nod, feeling grateful for his concern. "I'm fine, Leon. Really," I say, smiling softly at him.

Surprised by the close contact, my face flushed with embarrassment as the elevator came to a stop.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Luis says, a playful smirk on his face.

Leon and I both look at him, a little flustered from our close encounter.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Luis continues with a chuckle. "But you know what they say about closed spaces."

Leon rolls his eyes at Luis's remark, clearly not in the mood for his humor. As Leon and I exit the cramped elevator, Luis turns his attention to me.

As we walk, Luis asks with a flirtatious grin, "So, have you been enjoying the sights here in Spain, my lady?"

I can't help but feel a little taken aback by his sudden attention, but I managed to respond with a polite smile. "Yes, it's been quite an adventure so far."

Luis leaned in a little closer, his voice dropping to a lower register. "Well, I'm sure I could show you an even better time if you're interested."

I felt my cheeks grow warm at his suggestive tone, but before I could respond, Leon stepped in between us. "We're not here for a vacation, Luis. We're on a mission."

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