[01] Four of Spades (2)

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-Tito's POV-

Hiroshi Tito

38 Years Old


Shinjuku Ward

Earlier During the 4 of ♤ Game

A loud shot can be heard, echoing through the entire hallway. We ran for what seemed like forever through these corridors.

"Hey, I... got a stupid idea." Said the man that followed me. "Well I'm up for any ideas." I replied.

I followed him into a room. He grabbed a blanket and opened the window.

"If this works, then we'll be one step closer towards the goal." He stated.

"What's your plan?" I asked.

"Climbing the fire-exit ladder..."

"That's not a stupid idea..."

He opened the window and tied the blanket into his waist and unto the bar.

He climbed slowly but surely climbed upwards. Each step he made was deafened by the rushing of air that blew right between the windows.

"Shit!" He uttered, I leaned outside the window and looked upwards. There was a massive gap between the ladders.

"Are you sure you can climb that?" I said as he replied, "As soon as I jump, you follow me"

"Okay" I replied back.

Another shot was taken by the sniper followed by a loud scream coming from the ladder. I saw his body falling through the window, then a sudden loud crash.

"Fuck!" I shouted, "Are you okay!?" I added while peering through the window. The ladder was broken, bent to the brim. My eyes met with the blanket, dangling between the ladder through the empty streets. I tried to look down, only to be met with fog and despair.

"Hey!?" I shouted once more, just to be halted with another shot that missed my body entirely.

My knees fell from my position, moving backwards from the bang.

My feet raised once more hoping to find even just his body. My eyes met with the fog and a broken window. I peered back, only to be met with sadness.

I bowed down right in front of the window to honor his kindness. My feet slowly moved backwards as I closed the door of the room.

Another bang can be heard followed by a loud cry from the distance.

'Another person needs help...' I uttered to myself. My body slowly walked towards the cry just to see the kid earlier with tears in his eyes.

"Come on..." I said while offering my hand. "Teamwork is beneficial..." I added

-Hiroko's POV-

Akihiro Hiroko

20 Years Old

Media Student

Time Remaining: 6 Minutes

Floors Remaining: 8/10

With no other options, he quickly lifted the furniture with his bare hands. "Quick, help!" He shouted.

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