Chapter :1:

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Truth POV:
I was sitting in my bedroom at 1:03 AM when I got a phone call saying my father had gotten into a terrible car wreck.
Me and my father may not have the best father/daughter relationship ever...
But I still care about him, he's my Father.
I know that people think I shouldn't care about him after all the shit he's been putting me through but it's a waste of their breath because that is the one thing I'm not changing, never give up on someone, they can give up on you all they want but don't give up on them.
Anyways, so I called my friend Stokely and he said he would drive me even though we have school tomorrow. He's such a good friend.
I got dressed putting on black jeans, black shoes, and a grey hoodie and called it good.
I got my purse and money and everything I needed to wait for Stoke outside.
I waited for a good 5 minutes until he got there.
As soon as he did get there I sped walked to the car and got into the passengers seat with Stokely speeding to the hospital for me.

(Sorry this chapter is short y'all)

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