Chapter 2

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The next morning was supposed to be an eventful one for Neteyam. He had wake early to tend to the Ikran and then feed the Ilu.

He rose from his sleeping mat and ran his hands through his tangled braids. After he cleansed his body and readied himself, he began to leave. Everything was silent until it wasn't.

There was a peculiar, yet familiar voice coming from outside where his mother would usually cook. It wasn't common for their family to have visitors so early. Neteyam looked to see what was going on, there he was, Ao'nung crotched beside his mother, explaining how to cook some sort of "Metekyinan delicacy" he had brought for her. That boy seemed to be everywhere these days.

Neytiri caught a glimpse of her eldest and smiled tenderly. "Neteyam," she said softly, causing Ao'nung to look his way, "you have awoken."

"Yes mother, good morning. Ao'nung, I see you." Neteyam said as he lifted two fingers to his forehead as a gesture of regard.

"I see you." Ao'nung responded before getting up, ready to bid his leave. He planned to leave before Neteyam woke up but got carried away talking to Neytiri as usual.

"Ao'nung brought us this fish to break our fasts with this morning, he says it is the best the reef has to offer and is very hard to catch." Neytiri says before she looks up to Ao'nung, "Son, you must stay and eat with us. You have been so kind bringing this gift."

Neteyam looked to Neytiri confused at the way she addressed him but continued to stand silently. Ao'nung looked to Neteyam briefly before looking back at Neytiri.

"I appreciate your invitation and I would love to but this morning I must tend to the Ilu and feed them, I am sorry." He said, smiling down at the Omatikiya woman.

"Ao'nung, today I am feeding the Ilu. Did your father not tell you?" Neteyam questioned, even more puzzled.

"Do not worry, Neteyam. I will do it. I will see you both at evening meal." He replied as he waved to Neytiri and set off swiftly.

Neteyam kneeled beside his mother and began to scale the fish with her. It was silent for a moment but he had questions.

"Mother, why did he come with this? Did he tell you?" He asked.

"I do not know, my son. He is a very kind boy is he not?" She replied.

Neteyam hummed in response before questioning her again, "And why do you call him son?".

"He has been with me a lot these days, it has just come naturally to me," she shrugged, "and I see he is doing your duty for you this morning, how thoughtful."

"Yes mother, I will be sure to thank him for it."


Neteyam continued the day as usual. He tended to the Ikran as he was supposed to and helped Tuktirey braid her hair with the shells and beads that she likes most. For the rest of the afternoon he had nothing to do and he had Ao'nung to be grateful to for it.

It couldn't hurt to gift him for his kind gestures right? Neteyam thought as he sat by his rolled sleeping mat, doing absolutely nothing. After all, Ao'nung had already been forgiven and owed him nothing. Without much further thought, Neteyam grabbed beads and twine from his sister's belongings and began to craft a simple line necklace, similar to what the Omatikaya gift each other out of endearment. It was the least he could do, he told himself.

Kiri walked in shortly after and sat by Neteyam, curious as to why he was using her supplies.

"Brother what is this for?" She asked before picking at some of the beads.

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