Chapter IX

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Team Z quietly as Chigiri walked back into the room, holding the wrapped-up box tightly as the boys were either sending him confused or jealous looks.
"Where did that come from?" Naruhaya asked, walking over with Bachira to inspect the box. Raichi raised his eyebrow in confusion as well, wondering why his teammate's face was red now.
"I didn't know our family members could send us gifts." Kunigami commented, assuming a parent had sent it to Chigiri.

"I don't really think they can. Chigiri, where did you get that?" Isagi wondered as the boy moved the box away from Bachira.
"(Y/n) made it for me. It's something I will need..." The redhead explained and walked off into a corner of his room, leaving the group dumbfounded.
"Haa? Does the manager really have the hots for him?" Naruhaya wondered. Bachira kept quiet, ignoring the strange and unfamiliar feeling of rage bubbling up inside of him.

'This is stupid. I barely even know her, if she wants to be with Chigiri fine by me.'
"How did he out of everyone catch her attention?" Raichi wondered as Iemon scolded him over how rude it was. Kunigami shrugged his shoulders as Isagi next to him started seething. When he entered Blue Lock, he wanted to become better and win the World Cup, with (Y/n) here it was just a bonus. The girl he loved for years here to see him grow and become the best, but now... Now she seemed to have eyes for another. Someone she barely even talked to.

'I don't get it... is the long hair? What does he have that I don't?' He thought sadly.
"Damn, I wish a cute girl would give me gifts."
"You think she brought him food?"
"Quiet, you both."
Igaguri, Gagamaru and Kuon whispered from Isagi, fueling his rage more than needed. The boy narrowed his eyes at Chigiri's back, who was peacefully humming while looking though the box.

"Give me my phone. We won the game today, soo... phone." Reo facepalmed in embarrassment as he and the rest of the V watched Nagi glare down at (Y/n), who looked as passively as usual.
"Can you stop calling me for the same thing?"
"No. Look, this is a hassle for me too, just give me my phone. We crushed Team Y today. Hold onto your end of the deal."

"Nagi, please stop acting like a child. I am sorry, (Y/n)." Reo said, internally crying that she will think he was as immature as Nagi was right now.
"I never made a deal with you? Ego-san said to take it away for a while, he never said if you win the game you will get it back." (Y/n) argued back, growing annoyed with the white-haired boy. Sighing, she walked out of the room and Nagi tried to walk after her, but Zantetsu stopped him.
"Maybe a little bit of time off of the phone will do you good- Where did Reo go?"

'Annoying ass. Ego-san will have to pay for my therapy.' (Y/n) thought as she walked through the hallway, not noticing Reo running after her.
"(Y/n)! I am so sorry for that!" The girl stopped in her tracks and turned to look at the purple-haired boy.
'Where did he come from? I didn't even hear his steps.'
"Reo, why aren't you in your room?"
The boy stopped in his tracks and stood now nervously in front of (Y/n), trying to avoid making eye contact.

"I wanted to apologize for Nagi... he can be... difficult to handle at times." (Y/n) gaze softened a little ass the purple-haired boy muttered a few more apologies.
"It's alright, I can see why he is acting like this. The phone is his belonging, but for now I can't do much either. Ego-san gave me clear instructions."
"It's completely understandable, Zantetsu and I will speak to him to leave you alone for now." Reo said and (Y/n) smiled, grateful that he understood her.

"Thank you, Reo. Oh... and congrats on the win today, you all did amazing." (Y/n) smiled and turned away. Reo watched the girl with a bright red face walk away and he sighed dreamily.
'I never expected to be this close to her... she is just as nice as I remember.'

3 years ago...
Reo was switching from channel to channel, trying to get his mind off of the fact that he was left alone with the servants for the week. His parents were barely home the past few months, and he was growing sick and tired of it, but there was nothing much he could do.
'This is so boring-' The boy stopped in his tracks as he came across a channel showing a karate championship.

Curious, he stopped to see what they were showing. Soon he figured it was a national junior high school championship and the boy found himself immersed in the show as the hosts kept on talking.
"Today we are also joined by last year's winner, (L/n) (Y/n). She won 3 times the regional title and once the national title. Very impressive for such a young girl. Maybe we will see more of her once the high school tournaments start."
Reo's eyes widened as the camera moved to show the said girl, who was concentrating on something her coach was saying.

"She is... beautiful..." Reo thought, inspecting the girl's (h/c) and (f/c) hair, (e/c) eyes and the small smile as she answered back to something.
Reo kept on watching the program as it went on, amazed by the girl's skills and her looks.
'I wonder what it's like being her friend.' Reo thought as he clapped his hands while the winner of this year's tournament was announced.
"I am happy she won... I need to know more about her! (L/n) (Y/n)..." Reo sighed as the camera zoomed in while (Y/n) said a few words to the public, enjoying the sound of her voice.

Present time...
'I finally got a real compliment on my skills from her! I need to just show even more what I am capable of. The way she looked at me today was the same way I kept looking at her all these years. Hidden in the shadows of all those people.' Reo smiled and nodded, making new plans on what to do in the next game as he walked back to his room.
'That look of amazement on (Y/n)'s face was more meaningful than a trophy... I want to see it again. As fast as possible.'

"Give him that phone back." Ego said simply as (Y/n) looked at him in disbelief for a moment, then shook her head and spoke up.
"Ego-san, why didn't you call me to tell me this, instead I had to run all the way here? But why the sudden change?" The girl wondered, seeing as the man was pretty firm on not returning the phone to the white-haired boy earlier.

"Everyone who scores certain goals has the right to certain privileges. Nagi unlocked those today, and his only wish is his phone. Return it to him tomorrow, I am sure you will be happy to have him off of your back too." Ego said, looking at (Y/n), who slowly nodded her head.
"Well, it does sound nice to not be constantly called for the same thing. Alright then, I will do that in the morning." The girl said, sighing in relief.

"So, who do you think will be able to move up the ladder? Any suspects for now?" Ego quickly switched the topic and (Y/n) blinked a few times, the thought over the teams she watched play today.
'Team V, Y, X and Z all have good potential. Although the teams Y and Z are weaker, they seem to be working well as a team, while the other two are strong, but are mostly carried by certain players or one player in the team.'
Ego kept quiet as the girl looked at one of the monitors showing the hallway.

"Hard to say from just one match. Team X  and Team V do have the players you are seeking for, while Team Z and Team Y seem to lack them, or at least they didn't wake up that egotistical side. But for now my best guesses are with: Team X's Baro Shouei and Team V's Nagi Seishiro, Reo Mikage and Tsurugi Zantetsu."
"And the other 2 teams?" Ego continues.
"I am not sure yet. What about you, Ego-san?"

(Y/n) watched the man in anticipation, hoping his answer will give her an idea if she was right with her suspensions or not, but as always nothing was easy with him.
"Maybe you are right and maybe you are wrong, for now it's too early for me to judge."
'Good, she seems to be catching on to the game again.' Ego thought as he adjusted his glasses.

🩷hope u all liked this chapter and thank u so much for supporting the book! Thanks u all for the votes and i hope this isn't getting too boring. Stay safe and have a great day/night🩷

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