His little letter

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Even though I never was a person to read much into dreams, that one from least time just wouldn't let me go... My eyes were empty, staring at the table while I stirred around in my cornflakes. Doe noticed that.
"Y/n. Please talk to me now: What is going on inside your head?" He let go from his new favorite food, spicy minced meat, and grabbed my hand. I felt a bit of the meat's juice in between my fingers.
"I- I'm still thinking about that dream, you know? I feel like it's meaning something. And that smell of fir... I feel like, I've smelled that one before...", I said, still deep in thoughts.
"Well, most of these... Uh.. What were they called again?"
"The what?"
"Oh, you know these! These liquids you spray on your body to smell unnatural."
"Y' mean perfume?"
His eyes glowed again as he remembered.
"Yeah, right! Well, most men smell like fir. Or sweat. Which I, personally prefer to be honest..."
"Uh... what?", I asked confused. I hated smelly people standing next to me.
"It's more natural, you know?"
"You are such a weird guy, but in a cute way!", I teased him. Doe just looked aside and mumbled something I couldn't understand. I refused to ask, if he wanted me to know, he'd tell me. We faced our breakfast again.
"Bye bye!"
I hugged Doe goodbye once again, then left the apartment to get to work. The whole way, I felt like I was being watched. Nah, probably just my paranoia...

-John Doe Pov-
Something felt really off, I was tense and nervous. I made some chores so I wouldn't explode from nervousness. Dishes done, bed made, vacuumed.. What could I do now? Y/n at least had work to do, I felt pretty useless just sitting around. But there was something else that made that weird feeling in my guts getting worse. After walking around in the living room, I couldn't resist anymore. I knew, I had to do something. I grabbed the spare key and walled out into the streets. Normally, I'd turn into my natural state, but a human like being was much more useful than a 2 feet hairball. When I turned around the corner, I felt like I saw a shadow scurrying away from me. Weird...

-Y/n Pov-
After a long and stressful day, it felt like a weight was lifted up from my shoulders as I entered my apartment.
"Doe! I'm home!"
Nothing. I called again.
"Doe?! Hello, anybody in here?"
And agin, no answer. I looked around and noticed that my spare key was missing. He probably just went for a walk or something.. That was off, normally, Doe would do anything to spend time with me, but maybe he got more loose around me, because he knew I would never let him down.

-John Doe Pov-
Following my instincts, I followed that mysterious shadow-person through the Uncanny Valley. I completely lost my orientation, but that wasn't important right now. What was important, was to catch up on that weird person. My worries got even worse, when I ended up back home. Why did it go here?! Nevermind, I'd check on that tomorrow. I pulled out the key and opened the door.
"My god, Doe! There you are!"
This time it was Y/n, that dashed right to the door when I entered.
"I was worried sick about ya!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I was just...", I knew, I couldn't tell her I was hunting a mysterious shadow-person fir hours, "... having a really nice and long walk!"
"Good, and you also did some chores?"
"Yep, just how you showed me to do them!"
"Thank you so much! Should we have dinner then?"

-Y/n Pov-
I woke up in the middle of the night, when I heard a strange sound coming from the kitchen. As careful as possible, to not wake up Doe, I got out of bed to check. The sound got clearer, like a soft knocking on glass. It came right from the street. I was curious, so I opened the door to check where that sound came from. The midnight-air was cold, the street lamp flickered. I heard the wind blowing around the apartment buildings. But there was something that immediately caught my attention: On the middle of the pavement was something that looked like a can. I looked around fugitive, then got out of the door and knelt down to the can. Next to it was a file card with some scribbling on it. These to objects let a shiver go down my spine.

What the hell was that supposed so mean?! Was someone following me this whole time? There also were some pictures

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What the hell was that supposed so mean?! Was someone following me this whole time? There also were some pictures. Pictures of... me! Doing normal things: Standing behind the gas station's counter, cooking, sleeping, eating, hanging out with Doe. But Doe's face always was scribble over with a permanent marker or something. Suddenly, I smelled something. Fir. Like in my dream, but I remembered it from getting groceries recently. There also was this strong smell. But before I could turn around, strong hands grabbed my face and bind me. I tried to protect myself, kicking, whining, but nothing worked. My dream, now became reality. It was a nightmare with no chance on awaking.

Yeah, welcome back! Right now, I'm writing this on ma phone bc the "c"- key on my laptop suddenly stopped working:)
I'm really sorry it took so long, but there's quite a lot on my mind. Hope y'all enjoyed it! (Btw. how did you like the little artwork? Should I do this more often?)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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