VII - More Then He Could Handle

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Gavin laughed, looking at Chris the other officer in the room for reassurance that his joke was funny.

It wasn't and Chris didn't laugh.


"We'll have a look anyway if you don't mind."

Hank said with a passive aggressive smile.

Gavin scoffed,

"Come on let's go. It's uh... starting to stink of booze in here."

He said, giving Hank a pointed look.

Already pissed, I lifted my hand behind Gavin, ready to deliver an almighty slap but Connor grabbed my hand and held it down at his side between us, giving it a squeeze.

I looked at him, my eyes wide in surprise but he just subtly shook his head at me and I backed down as Gavin and Chris left.

Chris giving a soft apology to us as he went.

We all began to look around the room, Connor hadn't let go of my hand so he was kinda just dragging me around with him.

I could see the mans wallet on the table and even from a distance could tell he had bruises around his neck from strangulation. But I couldn't tell if that was the cause of his death or just one of his kinks.

On the floor off to the side was a dead Tracy bot.

Connor kneeled down beside it, finally letting go of my hand with another gently squeeze.

I think he was trying to comfort me... but we didn't have time for my emotions right now.

Connor swiped some of the blood that had dripped out of the Tracy's nose onto his finger, pulling it up to his lips.

It always kinda grossed me out when he did that...

"Oh! HEY HEY HEY! Aggg Connor you're so disgusting..."

Hank complained.

"Think I'm gonna puke again..."

I could tell Connor was analysing the blood from how still he was crouching.

He then put two of his fingers to the Tracy's temple, his fingers losing their skin to reveal the cybernetic parts beneath it.

He stood up and walked over to the man on the bed...

But I stayed behind, my eyes glued to the Tracy.

It's crazy how life like they look... how dead her eyes look even though she was never alive in the first place...

Thinking too much about it made me shiver before I turned to check what Connor was doing.

"He didn't die of a heart attack."

Connor said, stepping away from the man.

"He was strangled."

"Yeah I saw the bruising on the neck."

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