Chapter One

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I was dreaming of the white sand, the palm trees, and the pina coladas. The huge waves beckoned us and soon I was surfing with Preston. For once, I was better than him at something athletic. He smirked at me as he stole the next wave and I stuck my tongue out in response. I was about to paddle to a wave forming a few feet away when I heard Preston's screams.

I woke in a cold sweat to the sound of an annoying beeping sound. Had we already arrived in Maui? Shouldn’t I be allowed to sleep in if this is vacation? Why is my alarm going off?

If this is Preston’s idea of a joke, I’ll kill him. I thought vehemently.

I tried to open my eyes, but for some reason it was taking more effort than usual. I peeled them open slowly and blinked. Frowning, I blinked again.

Why is it so damn dark?

I went to lift my arm and gasped in shock at the pain that shot through my body. I jerked at the sound of someone moving.

 Oh my god, I’ve been kidnapped and they’re holding me in a dark cell. I thought wildly. Taking a deep breath, I chastised myself. Grace, calm down… you’ve watched too much TV. You need to think rationally.

I listened as the beeping sped up.

“Grace, sweetie?” I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

I screamed when I felt something touch my shoulder and immediately the pressure of what I had assumed to be a hand was removed.

“What do you want from me?” I asked, shrinking back into the bed.

“Grace- “The woman began again.

“How do you know my name?” I screamed.

“Grace, don’t make us use sedatives. You are in a very weak state now and we don’t want you to harm yourself any further.” She said. I frowned when I thought I could almost detect a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Like you drugged me already?” I spat.

The response was cautious. “We had to put you in an induced coma to allow your brain to reduce its swelling. You are at the Los Angeles hospital in California. You don’t have to worry, Grace… you’re safe now.”

What is she talking about? I’m in a hospital? Aren’t hospitals supposed to have lights?

“What are you talking about?” I asked, still not understanding.

“You were in a terrible accident Grace. Your car was hit by an oncoming Semi-truck. It’s a miracle you survived with such drastic injuries.”

I don’t know why, but I knew she was right. I could somehow feel it.

“If this is true, why can’t I remember it?” I asked, anxiety weighing heavy on my heart.

“That’s your brains natural way of protecting yourself. You may remember things slowly, but it’s more likely you will never get whatever memories you have lost back.” The woman, who I assumed to be my doctor said.

“Where are my family? And can you turn on some lights? I can’t see anything.” I said nervously.

There was a long silence. “Hello?” I said uncertainly.

“Yes Grace, I’m here.” She said tight with emotion.

Are doctors usually this emotional?

I waited impatiently for her to speak again. “Well? Where are they?”

“Grace… you were the only one who survived the crash.” Her voice broke at the end.

I felt my face crumple. “No…” I said, unwilling to hear what she was saying.

No, no, no. I repeated, shaking my head.

My mother’s face flashed through my mind- her auburn hair blowing in the breeze as we sat on our front lawn, eating melting orange flavored popsicles one summer. I thought of all of her warnings to not take life for granted. I pictured my father, always waiting to greet me with a hug when I got home from school. And my big brother…

Preston. I broke the silence with a loud sob.

It felt like my world was collapsing around me, everyone that I had ever loved was dead. And I wished desperately that I could switch places with them.

Preston was my favorite person in the world, my best friend, and now he was gone.

 I won’t ever be able to tell him how much I actually love him… I will never see him smile again.

I remembered the first time Preston had taken his brotherly duties seriously and had punched Jake McAdams square in the jaw for spreading rumours about me in ninth grade. We were more than just brother and sister. He was my best friend. He was the one I trusted when I didn't even want to tell Harper.

They’re all gone. The only family I have, gone

I was hyperventilating, heaving dry broken sobs. I clutched my sides, fighting to wake up from this excruciating nightmare. I clutched the scratchy hospital sheets below me, attempting to hold myself up.

Please god, please. Let me wake up; let me wake up to my family.

I felt the bed dip beside me and a warm arm went around my shoulders. “We have counsellors ready to talk to you, whenever you need… My name is Dr. Hattie.” She rubbed my back, trying to comfort me.

But I was too far gone to be comforted.

I tuned her out.

Then it hit me.

“Am I blind?” I deadpanned, unable to accept more pain.

I could sense her dread as she responded. “Yes… you are. I’m so sorry Grace.”

Her words slowly seeped into my soul. I knew that I wouldn't ever see the light again.

I would forever be in darkness. But I didn't care. My family lost their lives.

Tears continued to steam down my face, pouring from my useless eyes.

I wished the darkness would have swallowed me whole.




Thanks so much for giving this a chance. I promise Niall is coming into the story soon! I'm trying to improve my writing, and I want to know if this chapter made you sad? Please comment below with your answer and vote & fan/follow <3

Lots of love <3 <3


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