Part 19

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(Y/N) remembered the way to the Watery Lane home from when she'd walked there with Tommy a couple weeks ago. She stopped at the door and raised her hand to knock, but hesitated before she was able to as Polly's words ran through her mind: "come right in when you arrive." She heeded to the words, twisting the door's handle and entering the home.

The house was silent as she stepped into the entry room. A nervous feeling filled her as she worried she was overstepping her boundaries. She walked further into the house despite the feeling, knowing she wasn't going to make whoever was inside aware of her presence if she stayed in the doorway.

In the dining room, she found a kid. Her brows furrowed together as she wracked her brain trying to figure out who he may be. Did one of the Shelbys have a child? "Excuse me?" she decided to ask, making the boy look in her direction. "Is Polly Gray here?" she got right to the point.

"Aunt Polly had to run to the market to get a few things. She said she'd be right back," the boy answered with no hesitation.

His words made (Y/N) nod. Of course I'd come when she's out, she thought to herself while inwardly sighing. "Is anyone else home?" she tried another question. Surely this kid wasn't home alone.

"Nope, it's just me," the boy answered with a smile, speaking in a tone that let (Y/N) know this wasn't the first time he'd been left in this situation.

"Oh...ok," (Y/N) nodded slowly as she wrapped her head around the details she'd been given. "Who might you be exactly?" she decided to stop dancing around the unknowns and ask the boy the question that was on her mind since she stumbled upon him. She felt so silly asking the child such a question.

"I'm Finn," he chirped, the smile on his face telling her that he wasn't at all bothered by her asking.

"Oh, we'll it's nice to meet you, Finn, I'm (Y/N)," (Y/N) smiled politely.

"You work for my brothers, don't you?" it was time for (Y/N) to answer a question now.

"I do," (Y/N) nodded, holding her smile for a little longer. There's another Shelby sibling? she wondered, her mind then going back to when she rushed to tell Polly about Grace's schemes. Finn must've been the boy who was sleeping on Polly's lap.

"I'm working on my maths homework," Finn spoke again, his statement having nothing to do with the previous conversation. (Y/N) wanted to laugh at the abrupt change, I guess the introductions are over, she thought.

"Yeah?" she asked, prompting him to continue.

"Yeah," he nodded, "I wanted to go out and help John, but Aunt Polly told me that I need to finish my work first," he pouted slightly as he explained his situation.

"That's smart of your aunt to's important," (Y/N) agreed with the decision that was made by the older woman.

"But none of my brothers finished school!" Finn protested, his brows furrowing to show his distaste with the situation.

"So then you'll be the smart one," (Y/N) smiled, "is there something I can help you with?" she asked him then, taking a few steps over to where he was sitting.

"I guess," he sighed in defeat once he realized that this lady also wasn't going to let him get out of arithmetic.

"Alright," (Y/N) smiled, walking over to the open chairs so that she could sit down next to him, "let's see what you're working on here," she said, glancing over his paper. She was relieved to see that he was working on simple skills...she didn't know how much help she would be if it were any of the harder applications as it had been awhile since she'd really practiced any of them.

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