"I missed you so much!" She squealed, and without seeing her face, he could sense the wide smile on her face. He could hear heart thumping and couldn't exactly figure out if was it hers or his. She was dangling in the air, her feet at least 2 inches above the ground, and her only support was his neck; she was holding onto tight. Farjaad wrapped his left around her petite back while holding his coat and phone in the other and buried his face in her hair- He missed how she smelled. The turmoil that had once consumed his heart and weighed upon his every step seemed to dissipate into the ether, replaced by an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment. As he gazed into her eyes, he could see a reflection of his joy mirrored back at him, as if the universe itself had conspired to align their destinies once more. A smile, genuine and radiant, played upon his lips, transforming his entire countenance. In that fleeting instant, the worries and tribulations that had plagued his mind vanished into insignificance, drowned out by the euphoric symphony of their rekindled love. The touch of her warm skin against his own sent electric currents surging through his veins, igniting a renewed sense of purpose and belonging within him. Every fiber of his being came alive, resonating with the pulsating rhythm of their hearts, now entwined in a beautiful dance of affection and devotion. In her presence, he found solace and strength, an anchor in the stormy seas of life. As they held each other tightly, time itself seemed to stand still, allowing this long-awaited reunion to unfold in its full glory. In that precious moment, his previously disturbed and saddened heart found its sanctuary, basking in the serene embrace of love.

"Let's go inside!" He whispered with a smile at her excitement to see him. He loved to see the excitement on her face whenever he'd come to pick her up or whenever he returned from a business trip and would meet her. She never complained about his absence but the looming sadness in her eyes made him feel special.

Umeed instantly broke the hug and held his hand and pulled him inside Pasha House- that had more or less became Farjaad's safe space. He remembered how nervous and confused he was when he stepped in for the first time and now he was aware of all the exists and entrances, it felt like a second home!

"I made us coffee!" An excited Umeed jumped in the air and Farjaad didn't need to ask her why she was making coffee at this time of the hour instead of chai. She always switched to a coffee whenever she missed him and he knew in the last 2.5 months, she was only consuming his favourite drink. The thought warmed his heart. The biggest comfort in his life was knowing that he meant something to this bundle of joy. Someone like him, who was hard to deal with, whose principles and lifestyle were a headache, had managed to win Umeed Pasha, who accepted him with all his flaws and rigid principles.

"I'll be in the backyard," He made his way to his favourite spot in Pasha House. Instead of sitting on the chairs, he took off his shoes and socks and sat on the grass, impervious to its slight dampness. He stared at the sky, realising the tightness in his chest was gone. He was still exhausted, though but he wasn't feeling awful like before. In the meantime, he heard Umeed's chirpy footsteps. She handed him his coffee mug, he noticed this one had animated dragons on it. Farjaad sniggered and looked at her with fondness, "Seriously?" This girl was crazy. Sometimes, he feared his impact on her would turn her into a robot like him but he was proved wrong. The colours she had in her life and those she cast in his were here to stay, forever.
"I accidentally broke the one with clocks last week." She shrugged as if it was a normal thing for her to break things and choose the absurdest mugs for him and her. So far, they've had ones with monsters, beetles, clocks, and hulks, and now dragons have been added to the list. If someone from Farjaad's office knew he loved having coffee or chai in these mugs with Umeed, they'd laugh at him. But he didn't care. Surprisingly, he didn't care about these things ever since Umeed entered his life. He finished the coffee sooner than he expected, and without uttering a word, he calmly rested his head on Umeed's lap as if it was the most normal thing for him to do.  The last thing he registered was the feel of Umeed's fingers running through his hair. He smiled, thinking he never had to say his feelings out loud for her to understand.

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