"Me?" Joe practically choked.

John grunted, as though he was reliving the heated exchange in his mind, and then he quickly returned to his original purpose for coming. "The both of you are entirely too soft. Get dressed and be downstairs in five minutes. I have a carriage waiting."

John then marched from the bedroom and shut the door roughly behind him. The moment he was gone, Perrie cried out, "Wicked toad!"

She scrambled out from under the bed and climbed to her feet, an expression of anger and frustration etched all over her face.

"Shh!" Joe hushed her frantically, and returned to her, placing his hands on her shoulders without thinking in order to settle her. Perrie stiffened. A moment later, he released her, and he instead went to the drawer of his bedside table and fetched a match to relight Perrie's candle.

"Why did I stay under there?" Perrie hissed to herself. "I should have shouted at him. I should have cursed at him. I know some unmentionable words, you know! I am not afraid to use them!"

"The last thing I want you to do is compromise your reputation," Joe murmured. "However, that is something that you seem determined to do quite often, Little Imp."

Joe had needed to utter that name that had quickly and quietly become entirely affectionate. Because Perrie smiled when she heard it now, and when Perrie smiled, something was right in Joe's ever chaotic world.

And smile, she did.

"I never cared for the rules," Perrie whispered flippantly.

"I know," Joe returned, just as quietly.

Colour filled Perrie's cheeks, and Joe felt his own smile burgeoning, something that felt entirely impossible to do at this very moment.

"You're not a failure, Joe," Perrie said then with great tenderness. "That man is a very bitter and horrid excuse for a father, and I am sorry that he is your experience for what a father is like. Because any person with eyes can see that you are the farthest thing from a failure."

"And you have eyes, do you?"

Perrie nodded. "Two of them, in fact."

Joe's hand acted of its own accord and reached out for her. He extended his index finger as Perrie's eyes closed, and he briefly brushed it over her eyelids, counting, "One, two," as he felt the fluttering of Perrie's eyelashes against his skin. It mimicked the feeling in his stomach at that moment.

What on earth was he doing?

But Joe could not help it. He could not help himself. He was completely and helplessly in love with her.

"What do you know?" he said hoarsely. "You do, indeed, have two eyes."

Perrie's eyes opened as she smiled up at him. Oh, he was completely lost. "Do you believe me?"

"Whatever did I do to make you think so well of me?"

"In and amongst our attempts to irritate the other into an early grave, you let me know you, and see you. How do you think I know it is you and not Ed? I see you." Perrie pointed her finger and settled it gently against Joe's chest over his heart. "I don't know all of you, but I would like to if you wanted to share it with me. Even this evening, you have confided in me, and I assure you that there is nothing you could say that could convince me that every one of your demons is not the fault of that man. Your soul is innocent, I promise."

He could see it all over Perrie's face. He could hear it in every word that she breathed. She cared so much, and Joe felt nothing but guilt and shame as he received it. He wanted it. The Lord knew that he desired nothing more than Perrie to love him. For he so loved her, he wanted that in return. But Joe knew it was wrong. Perrie did not deserve a man who had spent her life torturing her because of jealousy and envy. She did not know what Joe could be capable of in the future.

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